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Indigenous sovereignty and solidarity leads fight against Harper agenda
Indigenous resistance is leading the fight against the corporate assault on people and the planet
"Idle No More has sparked an awakening of Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples internationally in support for democracy, human rights and...more
Defend abortion on demand
Motion 408 and the defunding abortion are the latest threats to reproductive justice
Abortion has been a permanent feature of society, but it was only under capitalism that it became criminalized—as part of...more
Rank-and-file solidarity wins strike at Homes First
A victory for the workers and for the clients they serve
Homes First strikers have a victory after four brutal weeks on the picket line. These workers in OPSEU Local 540...more
Remembering the Paris Commune
March 18, 1871 was the start of the first worker's government in history
March 18, 1871 was the beginning of the Paris Commune, the first attempt at worker's democracy. Revolutionary in all regards,...more
Le réseau écosocialiste: toward new ways of organizing
Activists from across Quebec met in Montreal to launch an ecosocialist network
There seems to be a growing consensus on the left that the environment is ground zero for our work. The...more
Bahrain: civil disobedience strikes back at the regime
A second general strike in two months builds opposition to the Western-backed regime
March 14 marks the second anniversary of the Saudi troops, with military aid from the United Arab Emirates, invading Bahrain...more
Toronto IWD march
"Fires are burning, we are rising"
On Saturday, March 9, thousands marched through Toronto for International Women's Day. Last year's march focused on fighting the austerity...more
International Women's Day and the Communist Women's Movement
The historical role of socialists in IWD
When we celebrate International Women’s Day, we often refer to its origins in U.S. labour struggles early in the last...more
Idle No More: First Nations women lead the way
The more Idle No More succeeds, the better for women.
"A nation is not conquered until the hearts of its women are on the ground" --Cheyenne proverb. The burgeoning Idle...more
No pipeline east, no domestic refining: shut down the tar sands and all pipelines
Support indigenous sovereignty and good green jobs for all, not more tar sands
Speaking to the business community across the country, NDP leader Thomas Mulcair has been building a contradictory case to oppose...more


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