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How Harper is killing the peoples' history
Harper's agenda includes cuts and militarization of history
In 1940 Walter Benjamin, a Marx-influenced theoretician associated with the Frankfurt School, wrote his “Theses on the Philosophy of History.”...more
Rebuilding unions to confront "right-to-work"
Building rank-and-file confidence and key to stopping "right-to-work" and fighting austerity
On March 2 there was a gathering of over 700 trade unionists at a Workers’ Rights Conference held by the...more
SNC-Lavalin accused of corruption, again and again
SNC Lavalin has years of bribery and corruption scandals.
Recent reports in the The Globe and Mail have revealed that in December 2011, SNC-Lavalin's then chief executive, Pierre Duhaime,...more
Harper's boiling frog budget
Harper's budget hides attacks on unions and indigenous communities, and growing corporatization and militarization
Finance Minister Jim Flaherty’s 2013 budget, dubbed Economic Action Plan 2013, is a familiar Harper-style feat of smoke and mirrors...more
HSBC bank accused of money laundering, again
“Pay what they owe and break up this band of crooks.” HSBC is in trouble in Agentina only months after paying $1.9 billion fines in the US.
“Pay what they owe and break up this band of crooks,” demanded Ricardo Echegaray head of Argentina's tax agency, as...more
Tsar to Lenin
Lenin and crowd
The documentary shows the reality of the Russian Revolution, which was buried by both Washington and Moscow
P { margin-bottom: 0.08in; } Tsar to Lenin is an astonishing record of the Russian Revolution of 1917 . It...more
Will NDP lack of clarity come home to roost in Québec?
By not supporting self-determination, the NDP's "Unity Act" undermines a united fightback in Quebec and English Canada
When former NDP MP Claude Patry crossed the floor to join the Bloc Québécois in late February, the brief buzz...more
Raise the Rates provincial strategy day
The Raise the Rates Campaign challenges the Liberals' cuts in Ontario
Close to 50 anti-poverty activists from across Ontario gathered at St. Luke’s United Church in Toronto on Saturday, March 16...more
Toronto women rising! IWD Toronto 2012-2013
Video footage of Toronto women rising, from IWD 2012 to IWD 2013
Video footage and song by Nadine MacKinnon of Toronto women rising from IWD 2012 to IWD 2013: - IWD 2012...more
Sex-selection abortion and the attack on unions
Harper is undermining rights for women and unions, but his struggle with Motion 408 shows the potential of resistance
The House of Commons has passed a bill which would force unions to make financial disclosures that are not required...more


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