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Business as usual breaks a scary new climate record
The level of CO2 in the atmosphere reaches new high
On May 9 the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere reached just below 400 parts per million (ppm) for the...more
BC election: what went wrong?
In hindsight, the NDP platform was too moderate and too soft on the Liberals to win
For more than two years the BC NDP had been decisively ahead in opinion polls, and their campaign had more...more
Why do we need revolutionary organization?
Fight on every front, for a better world.
Capitalism produces exploitation, oppression, environmental destruction and war. How can we connect resistance to these specific expressions in the here...more
Libya: unrest continues
The fight against former Gaddafi regime officials continues
On April 28, rebels in Tripoli, the capital of Libya, surrounded the ministries of foreign affairs and justice. They demanded...more
How do we build a fighting labour movement?
Rank-and-file networks are key to building confidence and organization
The working class and the poor are continuing to take a battering from ruling class assaults. Many activists in the...more
First Nations Human Rights complaint exposes Tory racism
Harper Tories stonewall Human Rights Tribunal inquiry that government withheld funding from First Nations children.
Stephen Harper’s Tory government has been deliberately withholding documents from a Canadian Human Rights Tribunal looking into accusations that it...more
Unions vs austerity
We need a fighting labour movement to resist the austerity agenda
A thousand steelworkers at US Steel Lake Erie Works in Ontario have been locked out once again by their employer...more
Workers support the Cuban 5
A United Steelworkers local passes resolution to continue pressing for the release of the Cuban 5
Five Cuban men—Gerardo Hernández, Antonio Guerrero, Ramón Labañino, Fernando González, and René González—were unjustly arrested in Florida and condemned to...more
No mandate for austerity and pipelines in BC
Most people did not vote for the Liberals
BC Liberal leader Christie Clark has claimed the recent election and renewed majority government gives her a mandate to continue...more
Tories insult First Nations residential school survivors yet again
Stephen Harper's government cynically sabotages the Indian Residential Schools Truth and Reconciliation Commission
In 2008 the Indian Residential Schools Truth and Reconciliation Commission was established. Stephen Harper apologized to First Nations for the...more


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