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Watching climate change before your eyes
Chasing Ice is a beautiful looking documentary about melting polar ice caps but does it inspire viewers to take action for climate justice?
Chasing Ice chronicles one man’s crusade to document the effects of a changing climate. Despite his background in science, photographer...more
Mass protests in Turkey inflict a defeat on the government
A small protest to protect trees has sparked mass resistance
The Gezi Park resistance in Turkey is in its sixth day. Protesters there organised a sit-down at the park to...more
Solidarity with the elevator workers strike
Let’s not let others make this a case of workers’ rights versus disability rights.
As of the end of May, there are no talks planned in the strike that's seen 1,400 Ontario members of...more
A life of struggle: Henry Morgentaler, 1923-2013
Morgentaler's victory can be applied to the ongoing fight for reproductive justice
Today we mourn the loss of Henry Morgentaler, who passed away at the age of 90 after dedicating his life...more
Marxism 2013: Revolution In Our Time
Register today for a weekend-long political conference to discuss how to build a better world
General strikes in Indonesia, Greece, India and Spain; student strikes that brought down the Quebec government; an Idle No More...more
Revolution in our time
Is revolution possible in Canada?
“ Resolved that this body places itself on record as being in full accord with the aims and purposes of...more
Iraq provides tragic lessons for Syria about “humanitarian intervention”
Growing sectarian violence in Iraq shows the impact of "humanitarian intervention"
While many are still debating the possibility of “humanitarian” intervention in Syria, innocent Iraqis are still paying the price of...more
A must-read resource for anti-war activists
Empire's Ally equips scholars and activists alike
Empire’s Ally: Canada and the War in Afghanistan Edited by Jerome Klassen and Greg Albo Reviewed by James Clark Anyone...more
Marriage equality comes under attack
Austerity breeds bigotry in France
As France recently passed its marriage equality law, homophobic protestors took to the streets. On May 18, French President François...more
We'd like a living wage with that order
US fast food workers are fighting for $15/hr and the right to form a union
MANAGERS OF the Detroit McDonald's on Gratiot Avenue, northeast of the city center, discovered at 6 a.m. on May 10...more


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