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Coalition on the edge as new strikes hit Greece
Greece's 27th general strike will be televised by the state broadcaster under worker's control
Workers across Greece joined a general strike on Tuesday of this week as the government prepares to face two crucial...more
Fighting harassment in Cairo's Tahrir Square
The counter-revolution is attacking women in Egypt. But women are resisting.
Sexual harassment is very common in Egypt. We have set up organisations to challenge it in Tahrir Square. Statistics say...more
Get ready to change the world
Why preparing for a revolution begins now
The Revolutionary Socialists sprung from underground to play a leading role in Egypt’s revolt. Sameh Naguib explains how they built...more
The mad movement, Marxism, and mad activism today
A mad person is labelled deviant from the values of capitalism, and mad activism is part of a challenge to capitalism
July 8-14 is Mad Pride week in Toronto. Mad activist Kevin Jackson reviews the history and politics of this liberation...more
A victory for marriage equality is a victory for all
Marriage equality takes a big leap forward in the United States but where does the struggle of LGBT people go from here?
ON JUNE 26, the United States Supreme Court ruled the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) to be unconstitutional. It is...more
Direct action against tar sands pipelines
Banners at the Swamp Line 9 occupation
The tactic of occupation can shine a light on pipelines, and build movements against them if connected to broader strategy
There is growing direct action against tar sands pipelines, from Line 9 to Keystone XL. These tactics shed light on...more
'I'm here! I'm queer! Now I'm over here!'
While coming out can be a liberating experience for individuals, ending LGBT oppression requires a wholesale transformation of society
It has become all too common for mainstream commentators to argue that if only more high-profile figures were to come...more
Egypt: the revolution continues
We need to support and learn from Egyptian revolution
While commentators in the West are debating whether the Egyptian military's removal of Morsi is a military coup or not,...more
Who hasn't signed the Arms Trade Treaty?
67 countries signed a treaty to regulate the arms trade. But not the US or Canada
On June 3, 67 countries signed the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) to regulate the multibillion-dollar global arms trade. Countries from...more
Egypt: four days that shook the world
Their revolution is truly a permanent revolution
What happened on 30 June was, without the slightest doubt, the historic beginning of a new wave of the Egyptian...more


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