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A very Canadian genocide
Canada conducted medical experiments on indigenous children by deliberately starving them
Right-wing ranter Ezra Levant is outraged about the history of Canadian genocide against indigenous peoples. Specifically, he’s outraged that anyone...more
Justice for Sammy, jail the police
The killing of Sammy Yatim exposes the violence of the state
Thousands marched through the streets of Toronto demanding justice for 18-year old Sammy Yatim, the latest victim of police brutality...more
Lac-Mégantic: a social and ecological tragedy
Quebec ecosocialists respond to the Lac-Megantic disaster
Statement from Le Réseau écosocialiste Québec has just experienced the most brutal ecological catastrophe of its history. On July 6,...more
"Sharecroppers on wheels": port truckers are organizing, and they are winning
Port truckers are organizing, and unionizing, against austerity
When is an employee not an employee? The answer to this riddle is rapidly becoming the true face of employment...more
Statement from Egypt’s Revolutionary Socialists: Not in our name!
Statement from Egypt’s Revolutionary Socialists
The Muslim Brotherhood was overthrown to deepen the revolution, not to support the regime. Whatever crimes the Brotherhood has committed...more
Revolution 2.0? Social media and social movements
What's the role of social media chaning the world?
It’s an exciting time for social media and social movements. Egyptian revolutionaries are armed with a new website , last...more
Tar sands: Canada’s climate crime
Andrew Nikiforuk's book is a must read to understanding the scale of the tar sands disaster
With his book Tar Sands: Dirty Oil and the Future of a Continent, Andrew Nikiforuk provides a compelling and succinct...more
Wall Street Journal calls for counter-revolution in Egypt
The voice of American capitalism wants a new Pinochet for Egypt
The Wall Street Journal (WSJ)—the voice piece of the American monied classes—responded to the latest phase of the Egyptian revolution...more
Bread and Roses: the story of the Lawrence Textile strike
00 years ago, in one of the most famous strikes in US history, women and migrant workers in Lawrence challenged oppression and proved their ability to organise and fight
100 years ago, in one of the most famous strikes in US history, women and migrant workers in Lawrence challenged...more
Coca Cola workers: locked out and fighting back
Show Coca Cola workers that solidarity is "the real thing"
On June 27, shortly before a midnight strike deadline, Coca Cola Canada locked out over 700 at their Brampton plant...more


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