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More disasters to come
In the unending rush for profits, the train disaster in Lac-Mégantic will be the first of many.
This has been a summer of capitalist disasters. The most horrific was the tragedy in Lac-Mégantic that killed 47 people...more
Support Idle No More: defend Ron Plain
Support Ron Plain, Idle No More, and the right to resist
Idle No More activist Ron Plain, from the Aamjiwnaang First Nation near Sarnia Ontario, is being personally victimized because members...more
Parti Quebecois continues its dangerous games
The Pari Quebecois is scapegoating Muslims for austerity
With the announcement that they will table legislation this fall to ban public servants from wearing "ostentatious religious symbols", the...more
Tamarod: ongoing civil disobedience in Bahrain
Inspired by Egypt, protests in Bahrain continue to challenge the Western-backed regime
August 14, 1971 marks the day when Bahrain gained independence from Britain. August 14, 2013 marks the day when new...more
Remembering a pioneer of alternative theatre
Steven Bush's new book restores Luscombe to his place in theatre history
“I don’t train actors, I train citizens.” Such was George Luscombe’s reply to a query about his profession reported in...more
Free Bradley Manning
The military that killed a million people in Iraq has found Bradley Manning "guilty" of telling the truth
While George Bush roams free after launching a war that killed a million Iraqis, Bradley Manning has been sentenced to...more
Statement from the Egyptian Revolutionary Socialists on the massacre in Cairo
The massacre in Cairo is a bloody dress rehearsal for the liquidation of the Egyptian Revolution.
Down with military rule! Down with Al-Sisi, the leader of the counter-revolution! The bloody dissolution of the sit-ins in Al-Nahda...more
#Sexism: stop blurring those lines
Thicke's hit song is not funny, not about nudity and not liberating
With 125 million views on Youtube, Robin Thicke’s song and video Blurred Lines has become one of the most popular...more
8 protestors arrested inside Hamilton courthouse
Line 9 protestors violently arrested inside Hamilton court
On August 14, Hamilton Police arrested 8 individuals at the Hamilton Court House, in the midst of the Swamp Line...more
Syrian socialists speak out
Statement from Syrian socialists
Our Revolution: A popular revolution for freedom, equality and social justice and against every kind of absolutism Firstly thank you...more


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