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Stop Richtree Restaurant union busting
Richtree restaurant fired all their union staff, then re-opened non-union
Fifty long-time workers at the Eaton Centre Richtree Restaurant, all members of UNITE HERE Local 75, were laid off in...more
Free Haitham Mohamedain, Egyptian labour lawyer
The Egyptian army has arrested one of Egypt’s leading labour lawyers and an activist with the Revolutionary Socialists
Haitham Mohamedain, one of Egypt’s leading labour lawyers and an activist with the Revolutionary Socialists, has arrested on his way...more
How do we build a fighting student movement?
Students need to defend and strenghten the CFS through rank-and-file activism
The Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) is the largest and most progressive of the campus student organizations outside of Quebec...more
Arab socialists speak out on Syria
We Stand Behind the Syrian People's Revolution - No to Foreign Intervention
We Stand Behind the Syrian People's Revolution - No to Foreign Intervention Statement by: Revolutionary Socialists (Egypt) - Revolutionary Left...more
Solidarity needed: drop the charges against anti-fascists in Greece!
The Greek state is persecuting a leading anti-fascist organizer
Anti-fascist and anti-racist activists in Greece (including Petros Constantinou, seen speaking above) have been charged under Greece's "anti-terror" laws -...more
Don't bomb Syria!
Bombing Syria will kill civilians and undermine the revolution
Yet again, Western nations are calling for war in the name of fighting dictatorship and confronting weapons of mass destruction—this...more
Labour Day in Toronto
They say cut back, we say fight back
Labour Day in Toronto usually draws 20,000 to 25,000 workers into the streets. Workers rights and the fight back against...more
Baristas Rise Up: organizing the low wage service sector
Baristas in Halifax show how to organize in the low wage service sector
The union movement in Canada faces a number of challenges. Not only has the economic crisis given the excuse to...more
The police: serving and protecting the 1%
The pollice serve to perpetuate oppression and maintain inequality
With the recent shooting of 18-year old Sammy Yatim in Toronto, the whole question of the role of police in...more
Join the third annual Toronto Disability Pride March
Be loud, be proud, and come march with us on October 5
As summer draws to a close, the time is once again approaching for another Toronto Disability Pride March. Since 2011,...more


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