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Labour movement

How the bosses used the ‘inflation crisis’ to weaken workers’ power – lessons from the 70s

September 6, 2022 - John Bell

Actors rally to end the lockout

August 24, 2022 - Pam Johnson

Striking safety inspectors picket CNE opening

August 19, 2022 - Pam Johnson

BC government workers on strike against wage cuts

August 17, 2022 - Bradley Hughes

The return of child labour: capitalism turns back the clock

August 5, 2022 - John Bell

Strike for Safety! What are the TSSA workers fighting for?

July 29, 2022 - Pam Johnson

The way to beat inflation - strike for higher wages!

July 26, 2022 - Bradley Hughes

Climate disaster strikes Lytton, BC for the 3rd time in a year

July 19, 2022 - Bradley Hughes

Solidarity with HBC workers on strike

June 27, 2022

Fight the Ford government. Build strong movements from below!

June 6, 2022 - Carolyn Egan

Strike wave: 45,000 construction workers on strike in Ontario

May 14, 2022 - Ritch Whyman

The Quebec General Strike of 1972: “We can only count on ourselves”

May 12, 2022 - Chantal Sundaram

CUPE Ontario confronts bill 124

May 2, 2022 - Peter Votsch, CUPE retiree

Mourn the dead, Fight like hell for the living!

April 26, 2022 - Peter Votsch, CUPE retiree

Ontario Health Coalition campaign: people before profit

April 19, 2022 - Pam Johnson

Amazon workers organize and win!

April 5, 2022 - Carolyn Egan

CP strike exposes Canada’s rail oligarchs and their Tory pals

April 4, 2022 - Ritch Whyman

Essential healthcare workers at Lifelabs strike for a first contract

March 25, 2022 - Pam Johnson

NDP Liberal agreement means more climate chaos, corporate profiteering and militarization

March 23, 2022

Workers rally for an end to Bill 124

March 18, 2022 - Peter Votsch, CUPE 7797 (retired)


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