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Parliamentary Budget Officer exposes looters and thieves
Make the rich pay
100 families own $1 out of every $50 in Canada
The richest few in Canada have gotten away with looting. They have taken the great wealth that our labour makes...more
Vancouver protests against police, for a better world
Justice for Chantel Moore rally in Vancouver
Solidarity rallies across Vancouver call for change
On the 13th of June, in Vancouver, there were protests across the city. At the Art Gallery alone, there was...more
Kick over the statues
Is nothing sacred? When it comes to history, no. In Bristol, England, Black Lives Matter protesters removed a statue of...more
Black Lives Matter in New Westminster
Stanley Edom addresses Black Lives Matter rally in New Westminster, BC
New Westminster, BC joins global movement against racism
Around 100 people joined the New West supports Black Lives Matter rally on Friday June 12. The rally was organized...more
Alberta Conservatives try to outlaw protest
This protest in Calgary on June 3 would be illegal under the new law
Alberta passes law to prevent protest on private & public property, sidewalks, roads, & parking lots
Alberta’s the United Conservative Party recently passed Bill 1 - The Critical Infrastructure Protection Act - pushing Alberta towards authoritarianism...more
Hamilton police budget: time to Defund
Each year the Hamilton Police Services budget dwarfs all others in the city. It’s larger that social services, parks and...more
Vancouver rallies against racism and police brutality
10,000 in Vancovuer join global movement against racism and police
“You love our culture, but you don’t love us”, said a speaker in front of 10,000 people in solidarity with...more
Demilitarize, Dismantle, Defund the police
In Buffalo, New York, a militarized SWAT team assaulted and injured an elderly man. Police claimed the he fell on...more
Jason Kenney vs. the future of Alberta
Kenney destroys jobs, lives and the planet. Image CC BY-NC-NC 2.0 Government of Alberta
Jason Kenney destroys jobs, lives and the planet
Race, Poverty, Class and COVID-19 in Toronto
Covid map shows racism and poverty define the crisis in Toronto
The murder of George Floyd by 4 Minneapolis police officers brought widespread, large and angry protests and has starkly exposed...more


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