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Report on Business: Fly the deadly skies
The COVID-19 pandemic has been bad for business. Keeping people healthy and safe has resulted in falling profits. So to...more
Black Lives Matter in the Beaches
Black Lives Matter on Toronto beach
A report on the east-end Toronto Black Lives Matter rally
The Toronto east end hosted yet another well-attended march for Black lives on August 1! The route which toured the...more
COVID-19, capitalism and climate
COVID-19 is a product of capitalism's assault on the environment
COVID-19 is a product of capitalism's assault on the environment
No one should have been surprised by COVID-19. Epidemiologists have been warning for decades about the increasing danger of novel...more
Russia: Workers fight back against COVID austerity
Report from socialists in the Russian Federation: In Russia, during the pandemic, there has been a wave of labour protest...more
Ottawa’s George Floyd: Abdirahman Abdi
“His death caused an awakening.” No death at the hands of the racist police should ever be forgotten. But some...more
Capitalism, oppression and 'cancel culture'
As we live through a historic health, economic and environmental crisis with catastrophic consequences for people around the world, and...more
Colonial statues: vandalism or artistic improvement
In a fit of civic improvement and spirit of public service, three Black Lives Matter TO activists painted some Toronto...more
Putin's referendum: Report from Russian socialists
A letter from “Socialist Tendency”, a group based in the Russian city of Nizhny Novgorod, near Moscow, about the recent...more
Vive la Revolution!
On July 14, 1789 a crowd of the poor and working people of Paris marched to the infamous Bastille fortress...more
Black Liberation and Indigenous sovereignty: 1960s to 2020 | Watch Video
Black Liberation and Indigenous sovereignty: 1960s to 2020 Monday, July 13 | 7:00 pm | Online Speakers: Nigel Barriffe, president...more


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