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Revolution from below, not bombs from above, can bring change to Syria and Iran
Real regime change comes from below
Canada and other Western powers are trying to stifle the Arab spring - escalating the threat of military intervention against Syria and Iran, while quietly supporting repression in Palestine, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain.more
NATO attacks on Pakistan reveal misery and divisions in US - war on terror"
NATO's war of terror
The NATO assault on a Pakistani border post that killed 24 soldiers and wounded 13 others does not come as...more
Resistance and solidarity continues in Bahrain
The forgotten Arab spring
Despite an intense crackdown on Bahrain's uprising since it began in February, demonstrators continue to fight for justice, and the small country of 1.2 million people is getting the world's attention.more
Inside Quebec politics
Quebec's leading feminist writes shares her views
Francoise David, one of Quebec's leading activists and political figures, has written an important primer on the politics and fault lines of the Quebec left, which should be read across Canada.more
For Iraqis, the war is far from over
The war continues
US President Barack Obama has called the US withdrawal from Iraq a historic moment and declared the mission a “success”...more
Right to Protest
statement on Serbia student movement
We believe that, at a critical moment in the deepening crisis, it is our right and duty to demonstrate solidarity...more
Knife attack on Serbian socialist at Belgrade University is dangerous attack on right to protest
Report from the Serbian student movement
Students at Belgrade University have been undergoing escalating state repression and far right attacks as they struggle against rising fees...more
Durban climate conference: a bitter disappointment
Durban dooms the planet
TheDurban climate talks have offered little or nothing, writes Jonathan Neale, in this eyewitness report. Now is the time for climate activists to take their message into the new radical movementsmore
Canada/US border deal a threat to rights and freedom
sacrificing freedom for trade
A new border deal means that Canada will adopt the draconian (and often unconstitutional) Bush-Obama positions on privacy, security, immigration, and surveillance.more
The Egyptian revolution continues
Interview with leading member of the Egyptian Revolutionary Socialists
Leading Egyptian activist discusses current state of the Egyptian revolution following the latest revolt in Tahrir Square this past November, arguably the fiercest and most important display of popular resistance to the ruling military regime Since the fall of Mubarakmore


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