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Fighting for housing rights under capitalism
Housing is a human right
Residents at 12 Lansdowne avenue in Toronto’s Parkdale neighbourhood have forced their landlord to remove all eviction notices and have...more
Organizing For Power – the limits of the McAlevey model for new trade unionism
Jane McAlevey, a long-time social justice activist and a former union organizer with the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), has...more
Strike wave: 45,000 construction workers on strike in Ontario
Nearly 45,000 construction workers are out on strike in Ontario. The strike has shut down hundreds of both residential and...more
The Quebec General Strike of 1972: “We can only count on ourselves”
Fifty years ago, Quebec saw a short but massive revolutionary uprising of workers’ power: it was the second general strike...more
Telecom oligarchs sink plan for affordable internet access
The internet is essential
Toronto Mayor John Tory launched his re-election bid by pulling the plug on “Connect TO”, a plan to provide affordable...more
Tell RBC: defund CGL pipeline
CGL off the Yintah!
As TC Energy prepares to drill under the Wedzin Kwa (otherwise known as the Morice River) in northwestern BC, momentum...more
Olly Olly Oligarch
As our food prices soar we are told the villain is inflation. As of April, the national inflation rate is...more
We Will Not Go Back! Full Access To Free Abortion For All!
Full access to free abortion!
Outrage spread across the United States as leaked information became public that the conservative majority on the Supreme Court was...more
CUPE Ontario confronts bill 124
Convention debates how to end anti-worker law
CUPE Ontario just concluded its 2022 convention, which took place via zoom April 27-29. Hundreds of delegates debated a variety...more
War, Militarism and the Environment
The Ukraine war is accelerating the climate crisis
The brutal Russian invasion of Ukraine , after decades of tension around NATO expansion eastwards, has put the world on...more


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