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Ontario Health Coalition maps out fall strategy
Organize to stop Ford's privatization plan
Activists in the Ontario Health Coalition (OHC) met on Tuesday, June 28 to look at the OHCs recent activities around...more
The far-right and the fight for trans rights
The far-right is using trans rights to build a campign of hate
At the Ottawa convoy protests, far-right groups were carrying transphobic placards calling for an end to teaching “gender ideology” in...more
Cancel Canada Day - How the right is trying to rewrite history
For the right, “taking back Canada” begins with taking back Canada Day.
We won’t go back Just a year ago “Canada Day” was all but cancelled. The unmarked graves of hundreds of...more
Solidarity with HBC workers on strike
Update - They won! - It's right to STRIKE!
*update HBC workers strike and win! Workers at the HBC e-commerce warehouse in Scarborough have stared down the corporation, blocked...more
Airport delays - corporate greed meets COVID crisis
An open letter to airport whiners Hi jet setters: We see airport delays are making big news, and for some...more
Tax fraud charges against ex-Tory MP mysteriously dropped
Tax fraud charges against ex-Tory MP mysteriously dropped
During his 18 years as a Reform Party, Canadian Alliance and then Conservative MP Rob Anders was a champion of...more
Sound the alarm: RCMP off Wet’suwet’en land
Shut Down Canada for Indigenous rights
On Thursday, May 26th over 800 people joined an emergency Zoom call organized by the Decolonial Solidarity Network to Sound...more
Fight the Ford government. Build strong movements from below!
We will beat Ford in the streets and workplaces
The Ontario provincial election is over with devastating results for working people and the poor in all our diversity. There...more
Ontario healthcare - stealth privatization
Ontario residents are suddenly discovering that blood testing and other diagnostic work is no longer covered by OHIP. A cancer...more
Stuff the Jubilee
The fact that Queen Elizabeth has been loafing on the throne for more than 70 years is supposed to be...more


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