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Poland: Women against fascism
Polish women lead the way againt the right wing government
The mass protests in Poland against attempts to restrict abortion access shocked the right wing Law and Justice government. In...more)
COVID and capitalism: vaccine nationalism and trade deals
Trudeau's capacity problem was manufactured by Liberal and Conservative trade deals.
“One of the things to remember is Canada no longer has any domestic production capacity for vaccines. Countries like the...more)
Shut down Canada - reports from BC pipeline blockades
Solidarity with Indigenous land defenders
During the past month, the Secwepemc nation had set up a camp at Mission Flats, Kamloops, along the proposed route...more)
Tory betrayal - Ford's plan to pave the Greenbelt
Once upon a time, back in the days before the plague, back when Doug Ford was just campaigning to become...more)
Support striking Tropicana workers
On Monday November 9th workers at Tropicana Community Services in Scarborough went on strike after talks with management failed to...more)
Bosses and politicians want you to die for profits
They have decided that profits trump people
At first I thought, “There is no plan!”. Then I realized, “That is the plan.” Premiers like Doug Ford and...more)
From October to Oka - Canada’s “crises” are not ours
50 years since the October crisis and 30 years since Oka standoff - what do these events teach us about the Canadian state?
This year marks 30 years since the so-called “Oka crisis” in Kanesatà:ke, Kanien'kehá:ka (Mohawk) territory on Turtle Island, within what...more)
Labour and community show solidarity with 1492 Land Back Lane
Union members join solidarity action at 1492 Land Back Lane
Haudenosaunee Land Defenders fight threat to land rights
On a beautiful Saturday afternoon in Caledonia, Ontario cars began to arrive in a parking lot on Argyle Street South...more)
Trump has lost but the battle is just beginning
Democrats won't offer any solutions to the multiple crises we face.

Why did so many Americans vote for Donald Trump? As the vote count continues it looks like Trump has lost...more)
The decision by the Canadian Labour Congress leadership to join with the notoriously anti-union Chamber of Commerce and support ex-finance...more)
Resisting Trumpism and protecting the vote: How Americans are preparing for November 3rd and beyond
Fueled by the power of the youth-led movements for Black Lives and climate justice as well as the general antipathy...more)
Rebel loses again
Far-right Rebel Media and its mastermind, Ezra Levant, have been handed another in a long line of legal defeats. The...more)
Support Alberta health care wildcats!
I read a quote the other day which stayed with me, ”Hope has two daughters, anger and courage”. It aptly...more)
Action Alert: Fight for Public Health Care Now!
I attended the Ontario Health Coalition conference this weekend as a unionized front line health worker. Over three hundred registered...more)
Justice for Abdirahman Abdi!
“Today there was no conviction, but conviction remains in our hearts“ These words were spoken at a media conference and...more)
Action alert: Support Mi’kmaq Treaty Rights & Livelihood
“Systemic Racism At Its Finest.” - Chief Mike Sack of Sipekne'katik First Nation Members of the Sipekne'katik First Nation have...more)
Dignity for Migrant Workers
“Ride for Rights” demonstration in August 2020 highlighting the demands for justice for migrant workers, such as safe housing, open work permits, and pathways to permanent residency.
Provincial and Federal governments endanger migrant workers
The title comes from the name of a non-profit organization based in Vancouver, BC – Dignidad Migrante Society . It...more)
Fighting the GM closure in Oshawa: Company Town review
New documentary chronicles the struggle of GM workers
Company Town, available to view on CBC Gem, is a fascinating and heartbreaking look at the struggle in Oshawa to...more)
Flu shot follies – normalizing private health care
In response to a social media ad for Loblaws, offering the flu shot without appointment at its grocery stores, one...more)
Capitalism, Covid & Climate Chaos.
Session 1 of Socialism in a time of pandemic
Capitalism, Covid & Climate Chaos. Session 1 of Socialism in a time of pandemic Speakers: Chantal Sundaram (Ottawa) and Zain...more)
Systemic Racism killed Joyce Echaquan
Thousands march calling for #JusticeforJoyce
Joyce Echaquan has been ever present in Quebec since her death on September 28 at a hospital in Joliette, Quebec...more)
Fifty years since the “October Crisis”: a not-so-quiet Revolution
Part one in a series marking the 50th anniverasry of the 'October Crisis'
The events of October 1970 are infamous in both English Canada and Quebec for completely different reasons. How should socialists...more)
Solidarity with Haudenosaunee and Six Nations Land Defenders
All out October 9th
October 9 is an important day for the mobilization to stop development of McKenzie Meadows – a real estate development...more)
Facing the far right in Canada
Shut Down Hate banner at Michael Garron hospital
Murder of Mohamed-Aslim Zafis by a racist with ties to nazis shows urgency of organizing against the far-right
While most of the coverage of the rise of the racist far-right focusses on the US and Donald Trump, there...more)
Blockade against TMX
Struggle against pipeline gains momentum
On the 21st of September, Extinction Rebellion Vancouver along with some members of the tiny house warriors, rallied almost 40...more)


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