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World in revolt
From Turkey, to Brazil, to Egypt, people are rising up against austerity
From Turkey, to Brazil, to Egypt, people are rising up against austerity—no matter which government is imposing it—and demanding a...more)
Statement by the Revolutionary Socialists in Egypt: Stay in the streets ... all power to the people
Statement by the Revolutionary Socialists in Egypt on July 2
Every Egyptian should be proud that millions went out into all the streets and squares of Egypt. Not only are...more)
Tar Sands flooding: an unreported environmental disaster
Apache Corporation waste water spill kills 42 hectares of boreal forest
Unprecedented flooding in the Tar Sands region of Fort McMurray threatens to heighten an environmental disaster
Virtually unreported among the Alberta flood stories is news that unprecedented flooding in the Tar Sands region of Fort McMurray...more)
Kinder Morgan: more pipelines, more resistance
anti-pipeline rally in Vancouver, photo by  Neal Jennings
Opposition to Northern Gateway pipeline can spill over to Kinder Morgan
Written June 12, 2013; updated July 1 , 2013 Kinder Morgan wants to capitalize on the BC Liberal election victory...more)
Walking to heal the fossil fuel sickness
Beginning July 5, First Nations and Metis people will welcome anyone who wants to witness the environmental damage done by...more)
Magical caper film frothy fun
Magicians against the 1%
Looking for a fun summer film, but tired of superheroes? Not interested in seeing Roland Emerich blow up the White...more)
Somalia: the reality of “humanitarian intervention"
Somalia reveals the brutal reality of "humanitarian intervention"
To understand so-called “humanitarian intervention," one must look at Somalia--a land rich with minerals, livestock and most importantly oil. Somalia...more)
Metro Vancouver opposes coal port
Coal trains not welcome
Metro Vancouver votes against proposed coal port
P { margin-bottom: 0.08in; } On Friday June 14, Metro Vancouver held a version of a public hearing where members...more)
Austerity and the fight against LGBT oppression
Austerity is sharpening oppression, and we need solidarity against both.
“Operation Zeus in August last year marked the start of an ugly reminder of a European past that we thought...more)
Their classes and ours
What do Marxists say about these new theories of class?
On April 3, to much fanfare, the BBC published the results of the largest class survey undertaken of British society...more)
No to intervention in Syria
We need to support self-determination for Syria by stopping imperial interference
At the G8 meetings in Northern Ireland the questions of Syria dominated the discussion but the major powers didn't come...more)
Tory media manipulation backfires
How many newspapers, with staffing cuts and layoffs, happily regurgitate the Tory line as news?
It is not unusual that as deadline nears I wrack my brain for a story idea. I mean, aside from...more)
The fight for trans liberation
The oppression of trans people has many unique qualities but it also shares much in common with other forms of oppression and therefore its resistance and liberation struggles do too.
The fight for trans liberation is in an exciting period right now; we have passed beyond the initial stages of...more)
US drones target civilians
Killer drones are part of Obama's strategy of making US imperialism "efficient"
With the continuous, intense "war on terrorism," drone strikes have killed civilians and caused grave violations. The United States has...more)
The battleground of history
Opposing the Harper agenda includes reclaiming the history of resistance to colonialism and imperialism
Stephen Harper knows it: to promote Canada as a Warrior Nation on the world stage, from Afghanistan to Mali, you...more)
The Marois government, identity secularism and 'Quebec values'
We need to oppose the latest right-wing populism
Bernard Drainville, the Minister of Democratic Institutions in the Parti québécois (PQ) government, announced May 22 that the Charte de...more)
Scrap the changes to employment insurance
The Harper government has made sweeping changes to EI, but has faced stiff opposition in Quebec and New Brunswick
The Harper government is pushing drastic changes to employment insurance (EI) rules, but there is increasing resistance. These rules will...more)
NB Mi’kmaq and allies resist fracking
Solidarity against fracking
Plans to develop shale gas wells using hydraulic fracturing (fracking) technology in New Brunswick are being strongly opposed by Mi’kmag...more)
How will we feed ourselves in 2050?
Sarah Elton's new book sets out a path to sustainable agriculture by 2050.
What will the world be like in 2050? In a world of nine billion people, how will we deal with...more)
Brazil: this is about public transport fares but it’s about much more too
An eyewitness account from Brazil's mass protests
Massive protests have exploded in numerous Brazilian cities in the last week over public transit fare hikes, preparations for the...more)
Canada’s intervention in Iran
Sanctions target ordinary people in Iran
Minister of Foreign Affairs John Baird announced further additions to the sanctions against Iran under the Special Economic Measures Act...more)
Don't trust BC Liberal opposition to Northern Gateway pipeline
2010 BP oil spill, the future of BC?
BC Liberals' opposition to the Enbridge pipeline is more window dressing than substance.
The newly re-elected BC Liberal government has made its submission to the Joint Review Panel on the Enbridge Northern Gateway...more)
Austerity and resistance in Greece: an interview
Activist Dimitra Kyrillou discusses the fight back in Greece
Dimitra Kyrillou is a socialist and anti-fascist campaigner from Greece. She has been involved in the dozens of general strikes...more)
NDP: from Orange Wave to Third Way
Is the NDP capable of shifting far enough to the left to manage the ravages of capitalism??
As a populist party that has seemingly abandoned its base in the drive for Liberal and even Conservative supporters, it’s...more)
Interview: Solidarity with the Turkish rebellion
An interview with student solidarity activist caught up with Ezgi Dogru, an activist with Canada Student Collective in Solidarity with Protesters in Turkey, to discuss...more)


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