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Hundreds oppose new coal terminal and one CEO supports it
Fraser Surrey Docks, sight of proposed coal terminal
A packed meeting shows near by residents are opposed to proposed new coal terminal
Nearly 250 residents, four New Westminster city council members, two NDP MPs and one NDP MLA attended a town hall...more)
Elevator workers rally for your support
Striking elevator workers demand fairness for themselves and the people of Ontario
On June 6, a few hundred striking elevator workers, along with their supporters, rallied in downtown Toronto to demand their...more)
Watching climate change before your eyes
Chasing Ice is a beautiful looking documentary about melting polar ice caps but does it inspire viewers to take action for climate justice?
Chasing Ice chronicles one man’s crusade to document the effects of a changing climate. Despite his background in science, photographer...more)
Mass protests in Turkey inflict a defeat on the government
A small protest to protect trees has sparked mass resistance
The Gezi Park resistance in Turkey is in its sixth day. Protesters there organised a sit-down at the park to...more)
Solidarity with the elevator workers strike
Let’s not let others make this a case of workers’ rights versus disability rights.
As of the end of May, there are no talks planned in the strike that's seen 1,400 Ontario members of...more)
A life of struggle: Henry Morgentaler, 1923-2013
Morgentaler's victory can be applied to the ongoing fight for reproductive justice
Today we mourn the loss of Henry Morgentaler, who passed away at the age of 90 after dedicating his life...more)
Marxism 2013: Revolution In Our Time
Register today for a weekend-long political conference to discuss how to build a better world
General strikes in Indonesia, Greece, India and Spain; student strikes that brought down the Quebec government; an Idle No More...more)
Revolution in our time
Is revolution possible in Canada?
“ Resolved that this body places itself on record as being in full accord with the aims and purposes of...more)
Iraq provides tragic lessons for Syria about “humanitarian intervention”
Growing sectarian violence in Iraq shows the impact of "humanitarian intervention"
While many are still debating the possibility of “humanitarian” intervention in Syria, innocent Iraqis are still paying the price of...more)
A must-read resource for anti-war activists
Empire's Ally equips scholars and activists alike
Empire’s Ally: Canada and the War in Afghanistan Edited by Jerome Klassen and Greg Albo Reviewed by James Clark Anyone...more)
Marriage equality comes under attack
Austerity breeds bigotry in France
As France recently passed its marriage equality law, homophobic protestors took to the streets. On May 18, French President François...more)
We'd like a living wage with that order
US fast food workers are fighting for $15/hr and the right to form a union
MANAGERS OF the Detroit McDonald's on Gratiot Avenue, northeast of the city center, discovered at 6 a.m. on May 10...more)
Horwath ties NDP to Liberal austerity budget
We need to magnify the movements outside the legislature instead of containing them within it
By tying the NDP to the Liberal’s austerity budget, Andrea Horwath has missed a chance to help build a movement...more)
"¡Que se vayan todos!”: All of them must go!
The senate, Rob Ford and Obama scandals are the tip of the iceberg for the 1%
From the senate expenses scandal, to Rob Ford’s alleged crack video, to the Obama administration’s attacks on the press, government...more)
A clean energy future is possible now
The technology and the money is there, but the 1% are standing in the way
The government, the fossil fuel lobby and their media voices tell us that clean, renewable energy is utopian, that we...more)
Idle No More: sovereignty summer kicks off June 21
On June 21 join a day of peaceful protest and solidarity against Harper and the corporate agenda
A recent major policy paper produced by the right-wing think-tank the MacDonald-Laurier Institute presents a scary scenario: “the possibility of...more)
Taking on Marineland
May 18 was the second largest animal rights protest in Canadian history
If you've grown up in Ontario, you know Marineland as the amusement park with the affectionate orcas and infectious jingle...more)
QS convention says no to electoral pacts
Report from last month’s Québec solidaire (QS) congrès.
Three great things happened at last month’s Québec solidaire (QS) congrès. No to electoral pacts First, the membership clearly laid...more)
Support QuAIA, Pride and Palestine
Toronto City Council continues trying to ban QuAIA from participating in Pride.
The annual attack on the Toronto Pride Parade has been reanimated once again. In the last few years , the...more)
Liberals join Tories in restricting civil liberties
Restricting civil liberties does not make us safe
In the wake of the Boston bombing and alleged via rail plot, Harper rushed Bill S-7 through Parliament—reviving attacks on...more)
Hunger strike challenges Guantanamo prison
The gulag of our time continues
Amidst protests and hunger strikes demanding its immediate closure, the Pentagon is asking the US Congress for more than $450...more)
Syria: Israeli attacks create confusion
The position of the anti-war movement remains the same: oppose intervention from any outside forces.
The recent Western-backed Israeli air strikes in Damascus and southern Syria are the latest example of a NATO ally attempting...more)
Business as usual breaks a scary new climate record
The level of CO2 in the atmosphere reaches new high
On May 9 the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere reached just below 400 parts per million (ppm) for the...more)
BC election: what went wrong?
In hindsight, the NDP platform was too moderate and too soft on the Liberals to win
For more than two years the BC NDP had been decisively ahead in opinion polls, and their campaign had more...more)
Why do we need revolutionary organization?
Fight on every front, for a better world.
Capitalism produces exploitation, oppression, environmental destruction and war. How can we connect resistance to these specific expressions in the here...more)


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