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Reproductive Justice: Equal Access Now!
A fundraising campaign and day of action and pushing back the attack on choice
On July 18 the Morgentaler clinic in Fredericton, New Brunswick closed after 20 years. In contravention to the Canada Health...more)
Their media and ours
What is the role of alternative and socialist media in fighting capitalism?
“The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.e. the class which is the ruling...more)
Towards a revolutionary perspective on Hamas
Support for Hamas' resistance to Israel needs to be unconditional but critical
This article is not a simply a response to the “Egyptian Zionists”, whether they are right-wing racists like Lamis Gaber,...more)
Federal public service under attack
The Tories are robbing workers of their sick days and undermining their right to strike
As they approach the end of their current collective agreements, the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) faces a federal...more)
River Run for Grassy Narrows
500 people walked to Queen's Park demanding environmental justice for Grassy Narrows
Chanting "Kathleen Wynne, where've you been? All those broken promses", about 500 Indigenous and non-Indigenous activists marched on July 31...more)
There’s an election coming, let the transit games begin
The TTC is trying to balance the books on the backs of disabled people and workers
It’s almost election time in Toronto again, and much like the last time around, disabled people are finding themselves in...more)
Free Grassy Narrows
Support is growing for Grassy Narrows longstanding fight for justice
Yesterday hundreds filled an auditorium at Ryerson University to hear about the fight for justice at Grassy Narrows and to...more)
A private war
Private corporations are glorifying WWI in order to support ongoing colonialism and imperialism
Canadian historian and noted chicken-hawk Jack Granatstein has decried the lack of government support–measured as always in dollars–for celebrating the...more)
Labour and the Peoples' Social Forum
The Peoples' Social Forum is a key event to unite labour and indigenous communities
The Peoples’ Social Forum is taking place in Ottawa August 21-24, and 10,000 are expected to attend. The trade union...more)
From motions to direct action, Line 9 opposition grows
The past week has seen two actions against Line 9, and a ban from Portand, Maine
July 25 was the four-year anniversary of the disastrous spill from Enbridge’s Line 6B pipeline, which continues to contaminate the...more)
Bill C-24: Harper’s latest anti-immigrant attack
Harper is using racism to divide and conquer, but there is resistance
According to Conservative MP and Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Chris Alexander, the recently passed Bill C-24 is designed to...more)
Video: Toronto rallies against war on Gaza
Toronto joined cities around the world to protest Israel's latest assault on Gaza
For the second week in a row, Toronto rallies against Israel's attack on Palestiniansmore)
Army blocks Egyptian people's convoy to Gaza
Israel's siege on Gaza depends on Arab dictatorships, but Palestine solidarity is challenging the Egyptian regime
On 19 July 2014 about 500 activists joined a humanitarian convoy from Cairo to Gaza in order to deliver solidarity...more)
Report on business: Microsoft 'thoughtfully' fires 18,000
Microsoft's CEO makes $18 million a year and is throwing 18,000 workers out of a job
In a July 17 memo address to all Microsoft employees, CEO Satya Nadella said the laying off of 18,000 employees...more)
Stop Israel's terror, and Harper's complicity
The only real cease-fire would be ending the siege on Gaza and occupation of Palestine
The ground invasion of Gaza has begun, and is expected to be a bloody. Already before the invasion Israel has...more)
Imperialism and instability
From provoking ISIS to arming Israel, imperialism is devastating the Middle East
The unrelenting Israeli assault on Gaza continues, with almost 100 dead and more than 600 injured. Once again the victims...more)
Solidarity against repression in Egypt
We need to pressure our government to demand the release of Egyptian political prisoners
One of the highlights of the International Women’s Day rally in 2012 in Toronto was a speech given by Yara...more)
The state and revolution
"To decide once every few years which member of the ruling class is to the essence of bourgeois parliamentarism."
“Freedom in capitalist society always remains about the same as it was in ancient Greek republics: Freedom for slave owners.”...more)
The FIFA World Cup is killing the beautiful game
FIFA is used to corporate profits, but has been caught off guard by mass protests in Brazil
Other than in North America, football is the world's game and always has been. The beautiful game is the still...more)
Has Harper turned dove?
Failing previous attempts to lavishly celebrate wars, Harper is being quiet on the imperial slaughter of WWI
Has Stephen Harper lost World War I? Jack Granatstein, historian and lover of all things military, sure thinks so. He...more)
Save Canada Post
A united campaign to save door-to-door mail could push back Harper's austerity agenda
The plan to end door-to-door postal delivery has been massively unpopular from the moment it was announced by Canada Post...more)
Israel escalates 'revenge attacks' against Palestinians
Israel is using "revenge attacks" to beat Palestinian children and bomb Gaza
Israel has escalated its violence against Palestinians. A series of deadly attacks have hit the city of Gaza, West Bank...more)
From the end of the revolutionary wave to preparing for a new revolution
First part of an analysis of the Egyptian revolution, one year into the counter-revolution
Part one of a two-part article There can be no doubt that we are witnessing a clear victory for the...more)
Mahienour defiant as appeal verdict delayed
"Prison never changed an idea, revolution until victory"
Revolutionary socialist activist Mahienour El-Masry appeared in court to appeal a two year prison term on Saturday 28 June. The...more)
Finance and the crisis of capitalism
The crisis of capitalism is long-term and cannot be fixed by getting rid of its most flagrant financial abuses
For those of us in the International Socialists Tendency, we have been arguing since the economic crisis in 2007-2008 that...more)


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