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Oil company negligence to blame for spill, yet again
Plains Midstream Canada
Plains Midstream Canada spilled nearly half a million litres of oil into the Red Deer River
Plains Midstream Canada (PMC) is responsible for releasing close to half a million litres of crude oil into the Red...more)
Fighting for reproductive justice in the Spanish State
Economic crisis is bringing attacks on abortion, but there is growing resistance
In the context of economic crisis, the Spanish State is attacking abortion rights. But there are growing movements against austerity...more)
Iraqis vote in parliamentary elections
Despite violence created by US intervention, millions of Iraqis voted
Millions of Iraqis bravely challenged the bomb attacks and voted in their first parliamentary elections since the withdrawal of US...more)
Interview: Secret Trial 5
Interview with Sophie Harkat about the new film challenging "security certificates"
Chantal Sundaram interviews Sophie Harkat about a must-see film The Secret Trial 5 , an important new film about civil...more)
CLC election: vote left, but keep building at the base
A left leader can open up space to build rank-and-file networks
Hassan Husseini's decision to run for president of the Canadian Labour Congress has produced a lot of positive debate and...more)
Statement by the Egyptian Revolutionary Socialists on the presidential elections
The presidential elections express the dilemma of the Egyptian Revolution
Against el-Sisi, leader of the counter-revolution All the institutions of the state are mobilising behind Abdel Fatah el-Sisi—from the army,...more)
From New Brunswick to BC: Fracking is back
If fracking returns, so will resistance
US-based SWN Resources is heading back to New Brunswick to drill four test wells, a precursor to introducing fracking to...more)
Yinka Dene Alliance send formal notice to Harper: No oil pipeline on their land.
The Yinka Dene Alliance has presented its formal reasons to the Canadian government for refusing to allow the Enbridge oil pipeline on their lands.
The First Nations of the Yinka Dene Alliance summoned representatives of the Canadian government to Nak'azdli, British Columbia, to hear...more)
Liberals put profit before food
BC Liberals proposed changes to the Agricultural Land Reserve will make it easier for resource companies to ruin agricultural land for short term profits.
At the end of March the BC Liberals introduced the first reading of Bill 24 , which will change how...more)
Steelworkers protest shareholders’ meeting
Solidarity across borders for Crown workers
On Wednesday April 17, approximately 50 Toronto Steelworkers gathered on the sidewalk in front of the Four Seasons Hotel in...more)
Interview: Hassan Husseini and the Canadian Labour Congress
Hassan Husseini is running a campaign based on building a fighting labour movement
For the first time in nine years the leadership for the Canadian Labour Congress , the umbrella organization for over...more)
South Africa 20 years after apartheid
Apartheid was overthrown, but capitalism remains
On April 27, 1994 South Africa held its first democratic election, marking the victory over apartheid. But 20 years later...more)
BDS momentum grows
Support for BDS is spreading across Canada and around the world
The non-violent movement known as Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) initiated by Palestinian civil society in 2005—which calls upon the...more)
Rallies across Canada demand equal abortion access for women in New Brunswick
"Free abortion on demand, from BC to Newfoundland!"
More than 150 supporters showed up for an emergency rally at Dundas Square in Toronto on April 17 as part...more)
Art gallery workers against austerity
The AGO has profited off displaying progressive artists, but is imposing concessions on its workers
Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO) workers, OPSEU local 535, are fighting concessions: two- tier wages, benefits cuts, forced overtime, aggressive...more)
Ontario Liberals back down from merging social assistance programs
The Liberals's austerity-driven merger of OW and ODSP has been stopped, for now
In capitalism, it is better to make the poor feed each other than have the rich spend a little more...more)
Rwanda and the myth of non-intervention
The Rwandan genocide was the result of Western intervention, not its absence
April to July marks the 20th anniversary of the Rwandan genocide, which is repeatedly invoked to justify Western intervention. But...more)
Wet'suwet'en vow to keep all pipelines off their land
The camp helps resist the proposed pipelines and re-stake their ancestral connection to the land
In 2010, the Unist’ot’en clan of the Wet’suwet’en people established a “soft blockade” over their territory demanding free, prior, and...more)
Workers fight low wages and precarious employment
The fight for $14/hr continues
On April 14, a crowd of about 175 people marched in downtown Toronto to demand a $14-an-hour minimum wage and...more)
Missing and murdered Aboriginal women: when will there be justice?
Violence against Indigenous women is rooted in colonization, poverty, racism and sexism
For many, the tragedy of missing and murdered Aboriginal women and girls first became prominent with the media coverage of...more)
Quebec election: la lutte continue
The PQ was defeated and QS made gains that can help to fight the Liberals
The results are in: Québec solidaire (QS) won a third seat in the National Assembly, and the party garnered 7.5...more)
RIP people killed by Flaherty's policies
Mourn the victims of austerity, and organize to stop it
Former federal finance minister Jim Flaherty died an early death at 64, causing the business community, the Tories and Liberals—but...more)
Save home mail delivery: save our public postal service
A town hall meeting in Ottawa built opposition to the privatization of Canada Post
On April 9, the Hintonburg Community Centre in Ottawa welcomed residents of the municipal ward of Kitchissippi to a Town...more)
Sowing dissent
Annabel Soutar's play explores profit-driven science and its impact on farmers
The last decade has seen the flourishing of "verbatim theatre," a style of documentary theatre that uses court transcripts, interviews,...more)
Interview: how NL students defeated loans and won grants
A united students movement has made Newfoundland and Labrador the first to replace loans with grants
After keeping tuition frozen for 15 years, a united student movement has made Newfoundland and Labrador the first province to...more)


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