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Rexplas workers vote to strike Sunday at midnight
Resounding rejection of company's offer
Workers at Rexplas, the majority of whom are women, solidly voted to reject a tentative agreement, not recommended by the...more)
Ford sheds crocodile tears
“Gaslighting murderer.” That was one twitter user’s response to Doug Ford’s tearful press conference of April 21. Ford appeared in...more)
Voices from the front lines - Workers struggle during COVID
Voices from the front lines - Workers struggle during COVID Speakers: Xolisiwe (Connie) Ndlovu is the President of CUPE 7797,...more)
Ford's Covid chaos
Doug Ford is committing social murder of working people in Ontario
Doug Ford’s incompetence is killing people. His latest order, once again, misses the mark widely. Virtually every medical professional and...more)
Mi’kmaw fishers face fresh racist harassment from feds
Robert Syliboy is a Mi’kmaw crab fisher who was harvesting snow crabs for a community celebration. To do so is...more)
Analysis | The fight against anti-Asian racism in the US
The Atlanta murders are part of a long history of anti-Asian racism built on imperialism and exploitation
One was a former elementary school teacher, another a former dancer. One was a single mom At least two were...more)
Abolish! - Racist policing is no accident
The police are racist to the core.
The killing of Daunte Wright in a suburb of Minneapolis was not accidental. The police chief in Brooklyn Centre released...more)
Conservative coalition: cracks and cranks
The right is having trouble with this whole unity thing
Canadians are used to thinking that the Conservative Party of Canada we see today is one of the founding parties...more)
U of T contract education workers are ready to strike
90% of workers have voted to strike at University of Toronto
U of T contract education workers, members of CUPE 3902 Unit 1, are ready to strike after the administration has...more)
Amazon workers in final push to win union
In the last days of the historic organizing drive by Amazon workers in Bessemer, Alabama, solidarity rolled in from across...more)
MARXIST ECONOMICS: Why capitalism can’t solve the COVID crisis
MARXIST ECONOMICS: Why capitalism can’t solve the COVID crisis This session will look at Marx’s analysis of how capitalist economics...more)
Judas and the Black Messiah directed by Shaka King: Review
Not the whole story, but a good corrective on mainstream narratives.
Shaka King’s new movie Judas and the Black Messiah comes at a critical political moment in the US. It’s a...more)
Workers' actions forced safety measures at Canada Post
Rank and file workers have to protect themselves
After a postal worker who worked at the Gateway sorting plant in Mississauga died from Covid-19 that he contracted at...more)
Report on Business: Flowers bloom amid the turds of COVID
It is an ill wind that doesn’t blow somebody some good. During the first 6 months of the COVID emergency,...more)
COVID and homelessness: Toronto leaves the most vulnerable out in the cold
In the midst of a deadly outbreak of COVID-19 in Toronto’s homeless shelters, the City is moving ahead with a...more)
Kenney’s coal plan running into mountain of resistance
Kenney is facing broad opposition to destructive coal mining expansion
Having squandered billions of taxpayer dollars betting on a pipeline that will never be built , Alberta’s premier Jason Kenney...more)
Doug Ford silences COVID critics
Doctors are being fired for challenging the premier
The next time you hear Doug Ford or his gang moaning about “cancel culture”, keep this in mind: Dr. Brooks...more)
Review: Corona, Climate, Chronic Emergency: War Communism in the Twenty-First Century
What can the war Communism of the Russian revolution teach us about how to stop COVID?
As the pandemic spread in early 2020, many countries reacted quickly and trillions have been spent on relief efforts. Overnight...more)
Solidarity with Inuit blockade at Baffinland Iron Mine
Pond Inlet protest in solidarity with hunters' blockade
"The transportation of iron ore has been halted."
On the night of February 5, hunters from Pond Inlet and Arctic Bay, Nunavut, set up a blockade to protest...more)
Stopping the growth of the far right: Labour must be there
How we beat the fascists
As Fred Hampton, the Black Panther leader who was murdered by the US government in 1969 said, “Nothing is more...more)
Review of "Dead Epidemiologists” by Rob Wallace
New book highlights the origins of viruses like Covid-19
As we find ourselves once again locked down because public health measures taken by our governments were too inadequate and...more)
Islamophobia and Capitalism
Capitalism needs islamophobia - we need to end capitalism
January 29, 2021 marks the 4 year anniversary of the barbaric attack on the Islamic Cultural Centre in Quebec City...more)
Golf dumps Trump, sort of
Trump and Mickelson - two white-collar criminals
In golf as in life he is a professional cheater
At the 11 th hour of the very last day of his presidency, Donald J. Trump used the power of...more)
COVID 19: Race, Class, Nationality and A People’s Vaccine
COVID 19: Race, Class, Nationality and A People’s Vaccine Speakers: Baba Aye , Health and Social Sector Officer of PSI...more)
Jason Kenney slides into oily frenzy
Kenney's oil gamble is a big loss for Alberta
If the election of Joe Biden does nothing else, it has revealed Alberta Premier Jason Kenney to be unhinged. Among...more)


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