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The history and politics of Disability pride: Interview with founder Melissa Graham
The eleventh edition of the Toronto Disability Pride March was held virtually on September 18. Socialist Worker interviewed Melissa Graham,...more)
Hollow words of Reconciliation
Ahead of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (September 30) the Canadian Council of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) has issued...more)
Election fallout: Greens wilt
When parliament dissolved, the Green Party had 2 seats. After the election they still have 2 seats, but that only...more)
The Fight for Reproductive Justice in Texas
Historically reproductive rights have been won through the efforts of broad based movements
A post which asked “When are they going to start airlifting women and girls out of Texas” highlighted the horror...more)
People’s Party gains are bad news
As the dust settles only one party can honestly claim success in the 2021 election, the party that did not...more)
Lyin’ Brian spills the beans
In the waning days of the election, Erin O’Toole took time out from avoiding questions to campaign alongside former Conservative...more)
Election Diary Episode 5: Faint praise for the NDP
Well Diary, I’ll admit I’ve been putting this one off. Is it a matter of saving the best for last?...more)
Alberta COVID crisis: made by Kenney
Premier Jason Kenney is from the school of thought that denies society really exists. There are individuals, there is family,...more)
Review: The Chair | Students as Idealists and Workers in the University
Who makes the university what it is?
The Chair attempts to deal with how universities are dominantly perceived: as a marketplace with students as consumers, and the...more)
Election Diary Episode 4: Fascism comes knocking
Recently a very politically astute friend admitted to me that no matter how she tried, she could not put herself...more)
From the archives: Sunera Thobani speaks out – Say no to war and racism
Sunera Thobani speaks at anti-war rally in Vancouver, October 2001
Originally published October 2001
On October 1, 2001, Sunera Thobani – former chair of the National Action Committee on the Status of Women and...more)
Caledonia 'Still Waters'
Labour and Indigenous land defenders unite!
I recently drove with fellow Steelworkers to Land Back Lane in Caledonia. We were supporting Haudenosaunee Land Defenders fighting for...more)
Election Diary Episode 3: Greens en route to historic fail
Oh Diary, you knew it was going to be a rocky ride when Green Party leader Annamie Paul showed up...more)
Election Diary – Episode 2: Lacklustre Liberals have themselves to blame
Why exactly are we having this election now, you ask Dear Diary? The question is dogging Justin Trudeau and his...more)
Big banks: the Ugly Canadians
Our media portrays bank profiteering as good news. But behind it is a trail of poverty and human suffering.
The Bank of Nova Scotia has posted a profit of $2.5 billion for just 3 months. That is almost double...more)
Police violence; from Tkaronto to Fairy creek
Police are here to serve and protect capitalism
The police in so-called Canada are once again turning to violence to maintain the legitimacy of the exploitative, capitalist state...more)
Ford fundraising f**kup
Fake invoices creepy, unethical… and illegal
Did you ever wish your government would protect you from scam phone calls, emails or letters? It isn’t likely to...more)
Election Diary Episode 1– Tories: “We heard wonk and we thought Wonka”
Dear Diary, I’ve decided to keep track of the high and low points of this dumbass, unnecessary election. I predict...more)
Afghanistan, Imperialism and Canada
Imperial meddling caused this situation to exist. More Imperial meddling will not solve it.
The chaos in Afghanistan is a direct result of 4 decades of imperial intervention and the Afghan people will once...more)
Striking back
Locked-out NRI workers with Scabby the Rat
The best way to shape the outcome of the federal election is by flexing the muscle of workplace and mass action
With Labour Day and a federal election around the corner it is worth looking at the state of the Union...more)
Return to school: "A lot of questions and lots of anxiety"
Protest with banner saying "Safer schools"
Interview with Nigel Barriffe, executive officer of ETFO
Despite rising COVID cases, Ontario introduced a plan for a full reopening of public school for September, including full day...more)
Energy workers call for just transition
Fossil fuel workers must be part of the fight against climate change
There is an image often presented of workers in fossil fuel extraction and processing industries as diehard supporters of these...more)
Big pharma and vaccines: “one of the most lethal cases of profiteering in history”
According to The People’s Vaccine Alliance, multinational drug companies Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and AstraZeneca have rewarded shareholders with $26...more)
Alberta: Welcome to your 4th Wave
So there you have it: the embattled Alberta UCP government of Jason Kenney is so desperate to shore up its...more)
COVID: too soon to relax
Re-opening plans are about profit - not people's health
The COVID-19 virus is constantly adapting. The speed at which multi-celulars organisms evolve and mutate is slow. But viruses move...more)


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