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Support striking Iranian oil workers. Sign the petition here
Read about the history of Iranian oil workers protests and how you can help.
Iranian oil workers have been on strike for weeks and they need your solidarity. Please consider signing the petition below...more)
End all evictions. Housing is a human right!
Capitalism won't solve the housing crisis.
The vicious attacks by Toronto police on the encampments in city parks - with the support of a city council...more)
Letter: Eyewitness from Lamport encampment attack
Attack proves the need to defund the police
I was a witness outside the gate at Lamport stadium today. I arrived at about 12pm, and the violence I...more)
Billions for pipelines while the world burns
The climate crisis is not in the future; it is here and now and all around us.
Shattering heat records in the BC interior, part of waves of scorching temperatures all down through the US states of...more)
Steelworkers solidarity picket for NRI workers shuts down Tomlinson Systems in Ancaster
Dozens of Steelworkers from locals in Toronto and Hamilton chanting “one day longer one day stronger” set up a solidarity...more)
Charge BC Premier Horgan with murder
Wildfires and heat waves are the consequence of burning fossil fuels
Stop him before he kills again
Over 175 years ago, Friedrich Engels wrote about social murder. He described how the ruling class in England at the...more)
Investigating genocide
Reconciliation cannot proceed without the truth
Of the 94 TRC calls to action, 6 have to do with missing children and unmarked burials – none of...more)
As universities reopen in fall, we must fight for worker safety
University workers and students must unite
Across Ontario, virtually all universities have announced their decision to return to onsite education starting fall semester. However, in most...more)
Battle of the Austerity Allstars!
Tory Premiers are axing social program funding and spending billions to make the rich richer
Alberta and Ontario are in a pissing contest to determine which Conservative regime will take the mantle of “Worst Provincial...more)
On false charges: What the world needs to know about India’s political prisoners
The Modi regime is jailing and killing opponents that are calling for a better world.
Fr. Stan Swamy, an 84-year-old political and social activist, died while in captivity of Narendra Modi’s Indian state. For decades,...more)
Muslim women, punk rock, and liberation
We Are Lady Parts
We Are Lady Parts investigates punk and precarity
There is a new phenomenon of what feminist theorist Rebecca Wanzo has called the “precarious-girl comedy” where the intimate problems...more)
Support locked out Steelworkers!
Join the picket line!
On July 2nd at 12.01am members of United Steelworkers Local 3950 were locked out by NRI Industries in Toronto. At...more)
Climate chaos, pandemic and genocide. It is past time for real change
We need system change
Last week a tornado killed one person and destroyed 50 homes just outside of Montreal. This week 134 people in...more)
No pride in genocide
Beginning the day he took office Doug Ford has treated Indigenous people to one slap in the face after another.
Doug Ford canceled Canada Day festivities at Queen’s Park. He did it in 2019, because he said attendance at the...more)
Rexplas strike ends in victory
Workers held the line and won: a short report from the vote at Rexplas
Members of USW Local 8300 voted on Sunday, June 27 to end their strike against Rexplas. They had walked out...more)
Cancel Canada Day ... and while we're at it Cancel Canada
Canada day is a celebration of genocide
Warning: this article contains details that may trigger trauma for survivors of the residential "schools" and others. For those that...more)
Interview: Benoit Renaud on the public sector fight in Quebec
Socialist Worker spoke with Benoit Renaud, a teaching advisor for public schools in Gatineau, Quebec. He is a member of...more)
Decolonization is not a metaphor
Empty gestures and symbolic victories don't mean justice
Across Turtle Island, photos of honouring, solidarity, resistance, resurgence, rematriation, courage, power. Can struggle and integrity in the face of...more)
Vile Sun column denies Islamophobia
Tarek Fatah claims Islamophobia doesn't exist
Bottom-feeding Sun Media columnist Tarek Fatah is at it again. In the wake of the terrorist murder of the Afzaal...more)
Kenney lies to escape his racist record
Alberta Premier Jason Kenney is a liar. At a recent press conference he denied his role, as former Immigration and...more)
Video: Marxism 2021: Opening session: Socialist Ideas for a world in crisis
Opening Meeting: Socialist Ideas for a World in Crisis In the opening plenary of Marxism 2021 Alex Callinicos, leading member...more)
Capitalist courts and climate struggle
Capitalist institutions won't end the climate crisis.
Recently, climate justice activists have been enthused by some major developments where mainstream institutions connected to centres of power have...more)
Extinction Rebellion activists are hungry to meet the Premier
XR Vancouver hunger strike
Hunger strike in solidarity with Fairy Creek Blockade
The BC NDP government has had over 200 land defenders arrested so far at the Fairy Creek blockade. In Vancouver...more)
Greens eat themselves (Updated June 22)
It appears that the Green Party of Canada has begun the process to remove Annamie Paul from the party leadership...more)
Workers are fighting back!
From Rexplas to Wine Rack to Vale, workers are striking for justice
Thirty five workers, members of United Steelworkers Local 8300 in Toronto, have been on strike since April 26 th fighting...more)


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