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Ford Can Be Beaten Placard


No war in Ukraine! Canada out of NATO placard

No war in Ukraine! Canada out of NATO placard


Socialist Worker Fighting Fund 2021

Please donate to the SW fighting fund. 

Download the fund drive formto fill out and return to us. 

Socialist worker and socialist.caare anti-capitalist resources in the struggle to change the world from the bottom up. In the past year, we have covered the unprecedented crises facing our world: the continuing Covid pandemic, escalating climate catastrophe, and a widening economic disparity fueled by a system driven by profit. We have also covered struggles for a better world from movements on the streets to workers on picket lines.

Not only do we cover the fightbacks that mainstream media silences, we also want to build links and develop ideas and analysis needed to confront a system in crisis.

Socialist Worker and socialist.caare not supported by the 1% - the millionaires and billionaires who fund the corporate media. We rely entirely on donations from our readers and supporters to continue to appear in print and on-line. 

Socialist Worker and socialist.caare produced and distributed entirely by volunteers and contain no advertising.

If you support an independent anti-capitalist alternative to the mainstream media from the perspective of the exploited and oppressed of the world:

Please donate today

Ways to contribute:

1) Go to www.socialist.caand contribute through the ‘Donate’ button on the home page.
2) Send an e-transfer to ''.
3) Send us a cheque to:  ISSI Canada,  PO Box 339, Station E, Toronto, Ontario M6H 4E3.
4) Arrange a one time or monthly contribution through direct debit by contacting

Cancel Canada Day Supplement

Download the Cancel Canada Day supplement for July 1st events

Cancel Canada Day placard

A call has gone out by Idle No More for events on July 1st in solidarity with Indigenous people rather than the nationalistic Canada day events.

Download your "Topple Canada" placard here.

Postal Workers on Strike: The Need for a Rank and File Movement

This pamphlet by IS activist Philip Murton (1950-2020) was published in May 1979.

Contents: 1. The Assault on CUPW | 2. The Labour Bureaucracy | 3. The Socialist Alternative

Defund police supplement

Defund, Disarm, Disband - Abolish the racist police!

It's a poster and an article with the socialist case for disbanding the police.

Rent strike placard

Download the pacerd and stick it in the window and join the movement for a rent srike

Readings for Vancouver IS organizing meeting - 7:30PM, Tuesday, May 19

Vancouver International Socialists weekly organizing meeting

Join us on Tuesday May 19 at 7:30PM via Discord:

This week's meeting will include a discussion of Social Murder, the rush to return to work and campaigns against homelessness.

For background please read:

No, we will not die for their profits

Damning evidence of scale of black and Asian virus deaths

The Grenfell Tower fire is a symbol of a world built for the rich

Solidarity with Wet'suwet'en nation

Download these placards to show your support for the Wet'suwet'en people standing up for thier lands and in opposition to the Coastal gaslink piplelines.

No War on Iran placard

Download the No War on Iran placard to print and distribute.

Climate strike placards

Download these placards for the climate actions.


Trudeau - Pensions Not Pipelines

Download the Pensions Not Pipelines placard


Featured Event



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