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Resisting a system in crisis
Come to a weekend-long conference of ideas to change the world
On June 14-15 at UofT Multifaith Centre (569 Spadina Ave), join us for a weekend-long political conference of ideas to...more
Stephen Harper's acts of charity
Harper has defunded environment and anti-war organizations, and granted charitable status to misogynists
I suspect that, for most of you, the last word that springs to mind when you think of Stephen Harper...more
Video: thousands march against Northern Gateway pipeline
Video of the entire march against the Enbridge pipeline
Thousands joined the Convergence 2014 march and rally to Protect our Sacred Waters from Tarsands Oil. The event was organized...more
First Nations resist Tory 'education' bill
Indigenous resistance stopped the FNEA
The colonialist arrogance of the Harper Tory government was exposed in Bill C-33, the “First Nations Control over First Nations...more
Boycott IKEA: some assembly required
IKEA is attacking its unionized workers to undermine all its workers, but is vulnerable to a coordinated campaign of solidarity
Locked out for thirteen months, over three hundred IKEA workers in Richmond, BC are still holding out. While setting record...more
Make minimum wage an election issue
Report from the recent action to demand a $14 minimum wage
May 31 saw dozens of activists with the provincial Minimum Wage Campaign engaging Toronto residents at the busy intersection of...more
There is so much to learn from the history of the Black Panther Party
Black Against Empire
The Black Panthers were a black nationalist, anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist party that played a leading role in national politics
The Black Panthers were a black nationalist, anti-American, anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist party that played a leading role in national politics in the anti-war movement and in the student movement.more
Justice for Indigenous women: an interview with activist Wanda Whitebird
Wanda Whitebird discusses the justice campaign, the real history of Canada, and the role of allies
Wanda Whitebird, of the Bear Clan, is a member of the Mi’kmag Nation from Afton, Nova Scotia. She currently resides...more
What is the international community doing for Syrian refugees?
The West undermined the Syrian revolution, creating a humanitarian crisis, and is refusing to support refugees
It has been over three years now since the popular revolution in Syria was sparked by the Arab Spring. What...more
"My pen is my weapon": interview with Bahraini journalist
Despite being tortured, Ahmed Radhi continues to expose the Western-backed regime in Bahrain
Ahmed Ismael, 22-years old, was a citizen journalist from Salmabad village in Bahrain. His task as a revolutionary was to...more


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