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Video: NDP and the crisis of social democracy, part 1
Judy Rebick discusses the NDP's move right
On June 14, two days after the Ontario election, founder Judy Rebick spoke on the panel "The NDP and...more
20 feet from stardom
This documentary showcases the struggle of background singers
How can a song be familiar and not familiar at the same time? It’s when you know the words and...more
Labour’s fight against austerity: lessons from Hudak’s defeat
The rank and file mobilizing that helped stop Hudak has to continue to challenge Wynne
Although Kathleen Wynne’s Liberals won a majority in Ontario, the real story of the 2014 election is the sound defeat...more
Stop Harper, stop the pipeline
Despite the approval of Northern Gateway, indigenous-led resistance is growing
To the surprise of absolutely no one, Stephen Harper’s Tory government has given the go-ahead to Enbridge’s Northern Gateway pipeline...more
Measuring Liberal austerity: a detailed analysis of Budget 2014
The "progressive budget" brings years of austerity
The defeat of the Tim Hudak -led Ontario Progressive-Conservative (PC) Party in the June 12 Ontario general election was indeed...more
Quebec budget: new government brings same old austerity
The Liberals are continuing austerity, but resistance is emerging
The newly minted Liberal majority government in Quebec has tabled its budget - and as expected, it's all about austerity...more
Pictou Landing First Nation battles environmental racism
A community blockade challenged the dumping of toxic waste near burial grounds
For 47 years, the Northern Pulp Mill has been dumping its untreated effluent into nearby Boat Harbour, in Mi’kma’Ki Territory,...more
Interview: Disabled People Against Cuts
From the UK to Ontario, disabled people fight back
Recently, Ontario activists had the pleasure of meeting Ellen Clifford from Disabled People Against Cuts (DPAC). Her tour across Ontario...more
Marx's method
While we're taught the 'great man' theory of history, Marx emphasized the struggle of ordinary people
"In the social production of their existence, men inevitably enter into definite relations, which are independent of their will, namely...more
After the Ontario election: build the fightback against austerity
Voters rejected the Tories, now we need to build the resistance to the Liberals
Tim Hudak promised to slash 100,000 jobs and impose “right to work” legislation to smash unions. He promised to eliminate...more


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