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De quoi l’intégrisme est-il le nom?
« Intégrisme » est le mot qui cache le mieux l’islamophobie et la xénophobie
Dans les débats récents à l’Assemblée nationale et dans les médias québécois, on a beaucoup usé du terme « intégrisme...more)
Walmart workers are winning, the struggle must continue
Strikes, walkouts and solidarity have won Walmart workers a raise
Workers in the US have won a significant victory in their struggle for dignity and a living wage. This week...more)
Golf’s Jackie Robinson: Charlie Sifford (1922-2015)
Charlie Sifford, who broke golf's colour barrier in the 1960s, died at the age of 92
Charlie Sifford never claimed he would have been one of golf’s greatest players. But in 1960, already past his prime...more)
The secret policeman's bill
Bill C-51 is terrorism
Okay, let’s play a game I like to call Getting Myself Arrested. The rules are simple: all you have to...more)
50 years since Malcolm’s passing
Malcolm X evolved through the struggle, from radical separatist to revolutionary
This February 21 marks the 50th year since Malcolm X's passing. Although there are many who choose to ignore his...more)
Stop Harper's $36 billion cut to healthcare
Stop Harper's prescription for privatization
While Canada is internationally known for its universal healthcare, our valuable public healthcare system may soon become a shadow of...more)
Workers tell Syriza, 'Don't go back'
Syriza's strongest card is the anti-austerity movement pushing it forward
A wave of protests swept Greece last Sunday. The biggest was outside the Greek parliament in Athens’ Syntagma Square—and the...more)
‘Anti-terrorism’ bill could target activists
The Tories and Liberals want to further erode civil liberties
The Anti-terrorism Act 2015 (Bill C-51) will expand the mandate of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) allowing the state...more)
American Sniper: hero worship and the rewriting of history
American Sniper uses hero worship to ignore war crimes, criminalize the resistance and justify the new war
“’Terrorism’ is what we call the violence of the weak, and we condemn it; 'war' is what we call the...more)
Lean and mean healthcare
"Lean production" claims to be efficient, but is an excuse to cut jobs, undermine services and sabotage solidarity
Saskatchewan is the first in Canada to introduce the method of “lean” to its healthcare system. Described by the provincial...more)
Justice for murdered and missing Indigenous women: ten years on
On the 10th anniversary of cross-country vigils, Indigenous women and their allies are continuing the movement for justice
February 14 marked the tenth anniversary of cross-country vigils commemorating the lives of missing and murdered Indigenous women . In...more)
The roots of war
The intertwining of economic and geopolitical competition drives war
Capitalism is a global system of economic competition between rival corporations for profit. The motive for profit is what drives...more)
Striking home care workers suggest Wynne "chop from the top"
CCAC CEO's have given themselves massive pay hikes while home care workers are only asking for 1.4%
Friday February 6 marked the end of the first week on strike for nearly 3,000 Care Coordinators, members of the...more)
Murdered and missing indigenous women: why?
On February 14 join the Women's Memorial March
February 14 marks the annual women’s memorial march for missing and murdered Indigenous women in cities across Canada and Quebec...more)
Made of steel: Crown workers on strike for 17 months
After 17 months on strike, Crown workers are continuing to resist concessions and build solidarity
Since September of 2013, 120 steel workers from Crown Holdings local plant in Toronto have been on strike against Crown’s...more)
Ableism, not assisted suicide, is what we need to work against
We have no reason to fear assisted suicide if we can overcome ableism within society and within ourselves.
The Supreme Court decision on assisted suicide brings up a lot of questions for Canadian disability activists, and some fear,...more)
10 crimes of John Baird
From cutting welfare to killing Kyoto and defending war, Baird served the 1% for 20 years
Federal Conservative MP John Baird has unexpectedly left politics, perhaps for a high paying private sector job. While the media...more)
Video: Islamophobia after Charlie Hebdo
Video of a public forum on Islamophobia after Charlie Hebdo
Video of a talk given February 3, 2015 in Toronto on "Islamophobia after Charlie Hebdo," discussing free speech, Islamophobia and imperialism.more)
Election 2015: how do we strategically vote?
We need to reject the 1% at the ballot box, and build the movements outside Parliament
With a federal election in 2015, there are increasing debates about how to stop Harper, and as election day approaches...more)
Corporate puppet Wynne: OPSEU workers say enough
OPSEU workers have a strong strike mandate against Liberal austerity
Ontario Public Service (OPS) workers, members of OPSEU, have said enough to Wynne’s attempt to cut wages, jobs and push...more)
Fight for fifteen!
Fight for a $15 minimum wage
Activists in BC are fighting for a $15 an hour minimum wage
Following in the footsteps of a successful campaigns in Seattle and San Francisco to raise the minimum wage to a...more)
It’s getting hot in here: 2014 was the warmest year on record
NASA map of average temperatures in 2014
2014 was the warmest year in 135 years of weather records.
It’s not news to anyone that the planet is heating up, but clear, quantifiable data can be hard to come...more)
All the Prime Minster’s crimes
Heading into an election year, the cataloguing of Harper's crimes is well timed
Review: Kill the Messengers: Stephen Harper’s War on Your right to know, by Mark Bourrie (2015, Harper Collins) Full disclosure...more)
Build the on-the-ground campaigns
From Stopping Hudak to saving Canada Post, we can mobilize to win
The next federal election is around the corner, most probably in the fall, but it could be earlier. The Harper...more)
Save door-to-door delivery
Save Canada Post, Stop Harper
The Community Mailbox (CMB) implementation to replace door-to-door mail delivery has been a disaster. The hasty change was done with...more)


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