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Keeping down the Honduran campesino
The coup that Canada and Clinton supported is waging war on peasants/landless farmers
On January 25, 2015 a contingent of men with military-grade weapons shot over two dozen bullets into the offices of...more)
Canada-India cooperation: nuclear power vs people power
Global solidarity doesn't come from the nuclear industry or Crime Ministers, but through movements for peace, climate justice and equality
Harper has deported temporary workers, many from India, but welcomed Crime Minister Modi. While the official visit was to fuel...more)
Reliance on fossil fuels leads to yet another spill
Oil spill in Burrard inlet shows folly of continued reliance on fossil fuels
A ship on its way to pick up grain spilled 2,700 litres of fuel into Burrard Inlet. This is the...more)
Toronto rallies for $15 and fairness
April 15 was a global day of action, with strikes and protests to raise the minimum wage
In three separate actions today workers in Toronto rallied for $15 and fairness, which launched the campaign across Ontario as...more)
Drone terrorism
Ethan Hawke's drone pilot character shifts from cynicism to opposition
While American Sniper glorifies the Iraq War, Good Kill exposes the brutality of drone warfare from Afghanistan to Yemen. Writer/Director...more)
WWII Internment of Japanese Canadians: a lesson forgotten
In the 1940s Canada scapegoated the Japanese community, now it is the Muslim community
Following Japan’s December 7, 1941 attack on the American naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, racism and paranoia toward the...more)
Tens of thousands march for climate justice
Like the People's Climate March last September, Act on Climate mobilized the 99% for climate justice
Today tens of thousands joined the Act on Climate march in Quebec city, territory of the Huron-Wendat, demanding climate justice...more)
Vimy Ridge, 'birth of a nation'?
'didn't see nobody getting born,just a lot of people dying'
Interview I did years ago with 'Rosie' Rowbottham who fought and was wounded at Vimy Ridge. "Birth of Nation?" said...more)
Quebec student strike reprise at a crossroads
With a more explosive beginnning, broader goals but also more fragmentation, there's widespread debate about the strike
We are now witnessing the third strike by Quebec university and college students within 10 years. This is not a...more)
The roots of Al Shabaab
The US/Ethiopian war on Somalia provided a recruitment tool for Al Shabaab
The killing of 148 students at Kenya’s Garissa University College by Somali Islamist insurgents Al Shabaab marks the latest episode...more)
Counter-rallies confront anti-Muslim 'Reclaim Australia'
Anti-racists are challenging Islamophobia and the far right movements it breeds
The racist, anti-Islam “Reclaim Australia” rallies managed to attract a few hundred people each on Easter Saturday—but they are a...more)
Victory for Heiltsuk Nation, support indigenous fisheries
Through blockades and solidarity the Heiltsuk defended their territory
On April 2, the Heiltsuk First Nation, located on BC’s central west coast, scored a huge victory over the federal...more)
Anti-fascists trounce PEGIDA in Montreal
Tory racism encouraged PEGIDA to hold a rally, but it flopped while anti-facists held a mass counter-rally
Another blow to the Conservatives' bet on the politics of fear and division. Another blow to diverting concerns about standard...more)
Bottles not cans!
The strike at Crown Products in Toronto is now over eighteen months old. 120 workers have fought through two hard...more)
Statement by revolutionary Marxist organizations in the Arab region on Yemen
Arab socialists condemn the imperialist proxy war in Yemen and call for self-determination
Joint statement by Revolutionary Marxist and Socialist Organizations in the Region April 2, 2015 At midnight, between March 26 and...more)
Slaying the Energy (B)East
After Kinder Morgan was driven off Burnaby and Keystone XL was vetoes, Energy East has been delayed
Adding to recent climate justice victories, mass opposition has stopped TransCanada from using Cacouna, Quebec as a terminal to take...more)
Fighting rape culture in India
The documentary India's Daughter gives a vivid picture of rape culture and resistance
This documentary pertains to the events that occurred in New Delhi, India, where six men violently raped Jyoti Singh, a...more)
Harper lets loose his rabid dogs
Harper is unleashing his Islamophobes to justify war and civil liberty attacks
Thanks to a monomaniacal devotion to the chimera of energy superpowerdom, Stephen Harper and his Tories have driven the Canadian...more)
Site C dam: “this project and its impacts far outweigh any benefits.”
Stop Site-C Dam
The planned Site C dam ignores First Nations' rights to their land and isn't a clean enrgy source.
In December 2014 British Columbia’s Liberal government approved the Peace River Site C hydroelectric dam project, the third dam on...more)
Fascism in the 1930s and now
Harper is not a fascist, but his racist scapegoating for the economic crisis opens the door to fascism
PEGIDA, which in German stands for Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West, first appeared in October 2014. The...more)
Yemen: Western-backed war is killing civilians
'Decisive Storm' is decisively bloody
While Yemen is witnessing the fourth Arab Spring anniversary , Western backed Saudi Arabia is launching devastating military attacks on...more)
Bill C-51 targets First Nations activists
Bill C-51 further criminalizes indigenous dissent. I can't be amended but must be ended
In the confusion immediately following the shooting on Parliament Hill in October 2014, Globe and Mail reporter Bill Curry sent...more)
Building working-class solidarity: The fight for $15
On the April 15 day of action, fight for $15 and fairness
Ontario’s Campaign to Raise the Minimum Wage and the Fight for $15 movement in the United States have renewed the...more)
Métis in Space: bringing decolonization to the far reaches of the universe
This podcast uses satire to expose the stereotypes of science fiction
Indigenous stereotypes, racism, and sexism may reach distant planets long before human beings do. Broadcasts of our favourite science fiction...more)
The minimum wage and the crisis of capitalism
The fight for $15 not only increases wages but also exposes the capitalist exploitation on which wages and profits are based
With significant movements getting under way across Canada to increase minimum wages, like BC’s fight for $15 , it’s important...more)


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