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Iraq: an imperial history
For a century Western intervention in Iraq has brought nothing but wars and occupations
“Our armies do not come into your cities as conquerors or enemies, but as liberators.” So said British Lieutenant General...more)
College faculty ratification vote a surprisingly low 61 per cent
An internal eduction campaign educated workers to help them challenge the contract
Following a “no” vote campaign that saw eleven out twenty-four college locals, members of OPSEU, call to turn down a...more)
The October crisis: Pierre Trudeau and the suppression of civil liberties
In October 1970 Pierre Trudeau sent the army into Quebec to suppress civil liberties and the nationalist movement
“Every government in this country is well aware of the existence of deep and important social problems…there is available everywhere...more)
Ebola: capitalism's latest epidemic
Ecological change, neoliberalism and austerity are spreading Ebola, BigPharma is ignoring it US imperialism is cynically using it
The Ebola virus is carried in fruit bats but can infect humans in close contact—causing fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and bleeding...more)
Disability Pride: self-determination and solidarity
The fourth annual Toronto Disabilty Pride March exposed the Ontario Liberals and built unity in the struggle
“Ain’t no power like the power of the people ‘cause the power of the people don’t stop.” This was one...more)
Videos: Toronto pre-election activist assembly
Videos of the activist assembly challenging the Tory-Ford agenda
Videos include -Linda McQuaid (video below) - Hassan Yussuff , Canadian Labour Congress - John Cartwright , Toronto & York...more)
Ottawa-Gatineau International Socialists Radical Reading Café
Activists in Ottawa-Gatineau are organizing monthly discussions of radical theory and practice
It was an interesting night in Ottawa for the International Socialists Radical Reading Café. Seven activists of diverse experience with...more)
“United Against Terrorism” handbook exposes Islamophobia
Police opposition to the handbook show they are more interested in fueling Islamophobia on which war depends
On September 29, a group of Canadian Islamic associations, including the Islamic Social Services Association and the National Council of...more)
BC First Nations serve eviction notices to mining companies
First Nations fight back against big polluters in BC mining disaster
On August 4 of this year, the dam holding the water of the tailings pond for Imperial Metals' Mount Polley...more)
Public service workers and the fight to defend sick leave
We had to fight to win sick leave, and have to fight to defend it
On September 30, about 70 people crowded into a community centre meeting room in Ottawa to hear three speakers discuss...more)
Seattle socialists show what's possible
Seattle city councillor and socialist Kshama Sawant shared her lessons in Vancouver
Seattle City Council member and socialist activist Dr. Kshama Sawant has been part of recent victories including a plan to...more)
International Socialist Tendency statement on the new war in the Middle East
This is not a “humanitarian war”, but a war to maintain the domination of Western capitalism
The United States, heading a “coalition of the willing” embracing NATO states and Arab regimes, has launched a new war...more)
Iraq War from Bush to Obama
The best way to help Iraq is to stop the war, support war resisters and welcome refugees
Today Canada’s Parliament votes to send troops and fighter jets to Iraq, and politicians and pundits insist Obama’s bombs are...more)
CUPE Ontario prepares to take on Kathleen Wynne
An emergency meeting discussed the cuts, the elections, and the general strike
Some 350 delegates from CUPE Ontario locals—consisting primarily of local executive members—met in the Toronto Sheraton Centre on Oct 5...more)
Peoples’ Social Forum: lessons from Alma, Quebec
Steelworkers in Alma showed how resistance and solidarity work
Recently at the People’s Social Forum in Ottawa thousands of young activists joined with trade unionists, environmentalists, and Indigenous peoples...more)
The NFL and the normalization of violence against women
Outrage against the NFL has exposed its complicity, and pressure will need to continue to change the game
When Kansas City Chief’s Linebacker Jovan Belcher killed his girlfriend and then himself in 2012, sports media woke up to...more)
Fast food workers are making history
In two years fast food workers have organized seven walkouts, begun raising wages and demanded unionization
September 4 was the largest fast-food strike in US history. Fast food workers in 150 cities, stopped work and demonstrated,...more)
New Brunswick sends message to NDP's right-wing populism
By failing to strongly defend environmental and reproductive justice the NDP failed to win a seat
Due to a computer glitch with the automated voting machines used in the New Brunswick election it was a long...more)
Reproductive justice day of action
September 20 was a pan-Canadian reproductive justice day of action
In advance of the New Brunswick provincial elections, activists across Canada joined a Pan Canadian Day of Action demanding reproductive...more)
Capitalism and disability
We need to fight for a society that will be from each according to their abilities and to each according to their needs
When we think of Helen Keller (1880-1968) the image we may have of her is of an extremely courageous individual...more)
The meaning of solidarity
Pride shows how lesbian and gay activists supported the miners strike and how the struggle challenged homophobia
Pride has been described as a “feelgood” movie and it is definitely that, but so much more. This year is...more)
Syrian socialists' statement on US bombing
Jihadist forces are the result of military intervention and despotic regimes and bombing won't help
Today the American planes bombed positions of Daesh (also known as the Islamic State), Jabhat al Nusra ( al Qaeda...more)
How 'new' will the Partnership be?
The CNP encourages discussion, but says nothing about tar sands or missing Indigenous women
The launch of “ Canadians for a New Partnership ” (CNP) took place September 4, 2014 amidst much media fanfare...more)
Franklin my dear, I don’t give a damn
Harper's celebration of Franklin is part of a new scramble for empire in the Arctic
"For more than a century this has been a great Canadian story.… It's been the subject of scientists and historians...more)
Disabled people take to the streets in Toronto October 4th
Disabled people and their allies are a powerful force that will not be silenced in the name of austerity
We’re still here, and we’re still marching. The fourth annual Toronto Disability Pride March is taking place on Saturday, October...more)


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