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Tim Hortons: Canadian capitalism, ‘small business’ and resistance
The Fight for $15 and fairness is exposing Canadian capitalism, driving a wedge into the business community and supporting workers
When the heirs to billionaire Tim Hortons founders cut paid breaks and benefits for the minimum wage employees at their...more)
Province-wide actions support Tim Hortons workers against abusive bosses
Solidarity rally at Tim Hortons in Cobourg
The second week of Ontario’s minimum wage hike brought with it large pickets against Tim Hortons bosses and owners across...more)
Solidarity with Tim Hortons Workers
Since the introduction of the new $14 minimum wage on January 1st, workers across the province have been subjected to...more)
Workers are under attack: Where is the ONDP?
The Liberals are able to opportunistically present themselves as defending workers because the ONDP have ceded the ground
On January 1, Ontario's workers saw the minimum wage jump from $11.60 to $14 an hour. For the province's low-wage...more)
#MeToo and the fight against Trump
The toppling of Weinstein and challenge to Trump is part of the broader fight against women's oppression and the system that breeds it
This month is the one year anniversary of two earth-shaking events: the inauguration of US president Donald Trump – the...more)
Ontario college faculty: organize/strike/win
The arbitration ruling reaffirms the victory of the strike, despite the Liberals undermining it
After a five-week strike, an arbitrator has awarded Ontario college faculty gains on every demand put forward in bargaining, despite...more)
Review: The 9 Hour Movement: How civil disobedience made unions legal
Unions were not granted by benevolent governments, but won by workers in struggle
"Our power does not come from what is written in law, but from our ability to bring our collective power...more)
2017: a year of struggle
The year Trump became president was also a year of struggles against everything he represents
The following is a brief overview of some of the major struggles of the past year, seen through articles on...more)
In 2018 keep fighting for $15 and fairness
2018 will be a year of defending and extending $15 and fairness in the streets, workplaces, campuses and at the ballot box
This New Year’s workers across Ontario can celebrate the passing of Bill 148, which will give 1.7 million workers a...more)
Interview: the ongoing struggle in Catalonia
Despite severe repression against Catalonia’s October referendum in favour of independence, pro-independence parties won a majority of seats in regional...more)
Net neutrality repealed
Telecom giants are trying to restrict information, but this won't stop movements
Since its inception the internet has been touted as a tool with radical democratic potential. As with most technology, utopian...more)
Toronto protest challenges Islamophobes
Labour and community activists confronted Islamophobe speaker Pamela Geller
On a dark night in December, trade unionists from the rapid response team of the Toronto and York Region Labour...more)
How the truckers won: socialists in 1934 Minneapolis
The lesson of socialist organization in fostering rank-and-file worker militancy is more relevant than ever
The spectre of socialism is haunting the ruling class. The last year, while filled with much to despair about, has...more)
Tories double down on double talk
With a majority of people opposing them, Tories are reconceptualizing their policies to make their bigotry more appealing
I sincerely regret to report that Jason Kenney has won a seat in the Alberta legislature. Kenney, former Igor to...more)
Toronto talks climate reform, walks austerity
The "balanced budget" refuses to fund the climate plan
Immediate action is needed to make sure the City of Toronto implements its climate action plan to reduce greenhouse gas...more)
Hondurans won’t give up their democracy
After the 2009 coup, the US and its allies are undermining this year's election to preserve an economy of extraction and inequality
Hondurans are suffering with what looks a lot like another attack on their democracy and independence. Juan Orlando Hernández, who...more)
Trump: year one
Trump personifies capitalist reaction, and its vulnerability to mass movements
Making sense of the Trump presidency is impossible without a systematic understanding of the forces of reaction and capitalism which...more)
No deportations to torture: let Harkat stay
Trudeau is continuing Harper's secret trials and threat to deport Mohamed Harkat to torture
On December 8, protesters outside Parliament Hill and speakers inside the Hill media room marked 15 years since the unjust...more)
Socialized medicine, 1917-2017
Movements over healthcare distribution can be part of revolutionizing the control over all of society
This year millions felt the Bern for single-payer healthcare in the US, and have continued to mobilize against Trumps’ attacks...more)
BC NDP government will build Site C dam in order to defend Liberal tax cuts
Photo by Ben Powless via
Indigenous rights and the environment to be bulldozed under by Site C approval
Today, in approving continued construction of the Site C dam , the BC NDP decided to proceed with an incredibly...more)
Trudeau's militarism won't help Kurdistan
Canadian corporations are hungry for oil, not for Kurdish autonomy
The Canadian military intervention against ISIS was portrayed as another example of bringing stability to the world. It was clothed...more)
QS convention and radical independence
QS has merged with Option national and is building towards next October's election
On December 1 to 3, around 600 delegates of Quebec solidaire (QS) gathered on the south shore of Montreal for...more)
Raise wages not emissions
Connecting the climate and labour movements can win a just transition for high-carbon workers and higher wages for low carbon workers
As Naomi Klein explained in This Changes Everything, “There’s a close correlation between low wages and high emissions…Exploited workers and...more)
The Spanish Civil War – a hidden history
Spain 1936 glimpse of workers' self-emancipation and lessons on fighting fascism
Last year was the 80th anniversary of the Spanish Civil War. What happened in Spain in 1936 was a civil...more)
Review: Prophets of Rage (2017 LP)
An anti-Trump album
“No hatred. Fuck racists. Blank faces. Time’s changin’. One nation. Unification. The vibration. Unfuck the world!” These chants in the...more)


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