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Toronto mayoral election: no platform for Faith Goldy
The far-right activist promotes racist violence and should not have a platform to spew her views
There are about 18 candidates registered to run in Toronto’s 2018 mayoral election that is scheduled for October 22, and...more)
Interview: Derrick O’Keefe, Vancouver socialist, running for City Council
With ongoing austerity and the rise of the right, we need socialist politics and candidates more than ever
Lisa Descary from the Vancouver International Socialists interviewed writer and activist, Derrick O'Keefe. Derrick is a founding member of the...more)
Québec: a 2018 election primer
To stop the populist right, the left needs to fight austerity and racism
On October 1, when the people of Quebec go to the ballot, they will be faced with the same dismal...more)
Courts side with Kinder Morgan and sentence "sinister" seniors
Jailing water protectors won't stop mass civil disobedience
“Your Honour, I have lived my 70 years abiding by the law. But, if we look back into our history,...more)
Defeating Ford’s attacks: lessons from the fight against Hudak
The same rank-and-file mobilizations that stopped Hudak can help stop Ford
The election of Doug Ford as Premier of Ontario has generated much discussion about the Harris government in the 1990s...more)
Transport capitalism: profits over safety
With Greyhound's cancellations costing jobs and lives, the solution is not to give more money to a private company
On July 9, Greyhound Canada announced that it would end all bus services running for all prairie provinces. There will...more)
Toronto municipal election: Walied Khogali for Councillor - Ward 23
Walied brings his antiracist organizing to the municipal elections
Walied Khogali launched his campaign for Toronto city councillor in Ward 23 for the municipal elections in October 2018. Ward...more)
Stagehands locked-out at Exhibition Place
Mayor John Tory wants to drive out unionized workers to benefit corporations
On July 19, the Board of Governors of Exhibition Place locked out members of stagehands and stage technician’s union, IASTE...more)
Dog-whistle Doug Ford
Ford's harmful policies encourage further violence
On a sunny July day Mississauga resident Muhammed Abu Marzouk, his wife and two children went for a picnic. Afterward,...more)
Call centre capitalism
This science fiction exposes the reality of capitalism and racism
Boots Riley is an American rapper, producer, screenwriter and film director. He was born into a family of radical organizers...more)
The Brexit debate two years on
The shakeup of capitalist institutions opens up space for political struggle
It has been just over two years since Great Britain voted to leave the European Union (EU). With the final...more)
Vancouver labour council has the wrong vision for the fall election
Incuding Vision in the list of "left" parties builds illusions in capitalist parties and ignores the housing crisis
As a rank and file trade union member and a socialist, I am very focused on reforms that I think...more)
Scrap Ford, not sex ed
The teachers' union is speaking out strongly against Ford's attack on women and LGBTQ people
When Rehtaeh Parsons’s father Glen Canning spoke out after reading the revised sex ed curriculum in Ontario, he said: “I...more)
Taking on the Ford agenda
Ford wants to roll back our gains, but he can be stopped
The election of a majority PC government led by Ford in Ontario will unleash a new wave of attacks on...more)
Interview: Sandy Hudson on the fight against Ford
Black Lives Matter-Toronto co-founder Sandy Hudson discusses the fight for change
On June 16 thousands of Ontarians took to the streets to demand that decent work be protected. This includes the...more)
TV capitalist has a hate on for environmentalists
This corporate philanthropist profits off climate chaos
W. Brett Wilson, one of the money men who populated the CBC’s inexplicably popular Dragon’s Den (he left in 2011),...more)
Vancouverites will have the chance to vote for the city we need
COPE candidates want to build an activist council to help build a movement to stop the housing crisis
A rent freeze, although only one aspect of the City We Need platform, is at the heart of a movement...more)
We can stop Trudeau’s pipeline
In 2003 the anti-war movement stopped the Liberals from going to Iraq, and in 2018 the climate justice movement can stop Trudeau's pipeline
Due to relentless opposition from Indigenous nations, climate activists and a number of ongoing court cases, the anti-Kinder Morgan campaign...more)
Shutting down Trump's hate
Bigots breed on the false equivalence that anti-racist protests are just as bad as racists
By now the whole world knows that Donald Trump’s mouthpiece, Sarah Huckabee Sanders was denied dinner at an eatery called...more)
New York socialist scores stunning victory
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, openly campaigning as a member of the Democratic Socialists of America, knocked off one of the Democratic Party’s...more)
Trudeau’s Trans Mountain pipeline: the cost of a spill
Stop Trudeau's pipeline before it spills again
The Canadian Federal Government has committed to buying the existing Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Pipeline, and paying for its expansion...more)
Review: The Spark That Moves, by Cancer Bats
Their latest album reflects the growing rejection of capitalist destruction
Toronto's own hardcore punk heroes, Cancer Bats , have delivered a ferocious sixth record dense with themes of fearlessness, unshackled...more)
Is Pride even a protest?
Pride is using inaccessible wristbands, exclusionary security and restricting protest
Toronto pride emerged out of the mass protests that followed the 1981 Toronto bathhouse raids. Pride is historically a political...more)
Push Trump and Trudeau to stop separating families
The mass opposition to Trump's anti-migrant policies can expose and challenge Canada's
Donald Trump’s plan for dealing with immigration into the US was on full, terrifying display this week, ripping migrant families...more)
Rally for decent work challenges Ford’s anti-worker agenda
The mass rally shows the mood to defend and extend workers gains, regardless of Ford's victory
People filled the streets in Toronto north of the Ministry of Labour, marching to Queen’s Park, on June 16. Participants...more)


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