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A year since Trump’s election
The past year has been marked by austerity and racism, but also protest and resistance
It has been a scant year since a 71-year-old imbecile bumbled his way into the most powerful office on the...more)
Video interviews: Ontario college faculty on strike
College faculty explain how their strike is challenging precarity and oppression
See video interviews on the picket lines as college faculty strike against precarity and for a better educational system for...more)
Unions and political positions
From Catalan solidarity to anti-fascism, unions must continue to play a role in political struggles
Trade unions have historically taken up issues outside the economic and working conditions of their members. Catalan solidarity We have...more)
Challenging Quebec’s niqab law: no to Islamophobia, no to Quebec bashing
We need to challenge Islamophobia and the claim that it is isolated to Quebec
Quebec’s Law on Religious Neutrality, formerly Bill 62, which denies a range of public services to women who wear the...more)
Book review: Unsettling Canada, A National Wake-Up Call
Arthur Manuel's political autobiography is essential reading for activists in Canada
Arthur Manuel (Neskonlith First Nation, BC) died earlier this year and will be remembered as a strong defender of Indigenous...more)
Ontario college strike: #StandWithFaculty
The employer's attempt to divide students and workers is backfiring, as unity grows against precarious work
Twelve thousand full-time and partial-load college faculty in 24 colleges in Ontario are on strike. The union (OPSEU) demands are...more)
An insurgent left can achieve electoral success — even in Canada
Jean Swanson presenting a new tax assessment to Chip Wilson outside the lululemon founder’s $75 million compound in Pt. Grey.
Jean Swanson's vibrant left wing election campaign shows what is possible
Vancouver’s political revolution has begun. In less than three months a dynamic movement coalesced around Jean Swanson , an incorruptible...more)
‘Reverse racism’ is backward thinking
Masuma Khan successfully defended herself against a racist backlash for drawing attention to Canada's colonial history
Masuma Khan is the sort of person I’d like to meet. At 22 she is already a well-known activist and...more)
Journalistic Sources Protection Act passes in Parliament
Parliament has strengthened press freedom, but Trudeau's support for Bill C-51 is still a barrier
Canada’s media has for years been littered with examples of neglect or willful misconduct on the part of the state...more)
Why students should support faculty
students join picket line in support of faculty
I am a student at Humber in the Child and Youth Accelerated program. I decided to return to school after...more)
1917: lessons for socialists from the Russian Revolution
October 1917 showed that revolutionary combination of self-emancipation and organization
Today, young people in particular are more open to ideas about socialism than any time in recent history, with an...more)
1917: how the revolution was lost
External invasions and internal counter-revolution reversed the gains of the revolution and imposed Stalnism
There should be no doubt that the Russian Revolution was lost. It was overturned by the Stalinist counter revolution in...more)
1917: gains of the revolution
The Russian Revolution made unprecedented gains for women's liberation, sexual liberation, national liberation and peace
The Russian Revolution brought numerous gains that were made when the masses of workers were able to take control of...more)
1917: how the revolution was won
As the centenary of the revolution approaches, we look back at the lessons
The overthrow of the Russian Tsar in February 1917 was the spontaneous result of the anger of the Russian masses...more)
Egypt’s rainbow raids
To distract from austerity, the military regime is cracking down on the LGBT community
The Egyptian security services have arrested dozens of “queer suspects” amid an ongoing crackdown on the country’s LGBTQ’s community, which...more)
Jagmeet Singh’s victory: race, class, and criticism
Singh's victory can inspire racialized activists to lead movements for liberation
Jagmeet Singh is the new leader of Canada’s New Democratic Party—an undeniable victory for racialized and young grassroots organizers in...more)
Anti-racist actions across the country
Anti-racist mobilizations are driving the bigots off the street
On Saturday September 30, anti-racist protesters mobilized in cities across Canada to oppose rallies organized by the racist, anti-immigrant Storm...more)
After Energy East, stop Kinder Morgan
Victory against one tar sands pipeline shows how to challenge others
Amidst widespread climate disasters, a ray of hope: the Energy East pipeline, which threatened to pump more than a million...more)
Interview with Standing Rock activists Jessica Monette and Craig Case
A year after the height of the Standing Rock protests, two activists reflect on their experiences
Thousands of Indigenous water protectors and allies travelled this time last year to the Standing Rock Reservation to oppose the...more)
What caused the NDP loss in Quebec?
The NDP lost seats last election because they refused to fight austerity
In 2015, the federal NDP tried to explain its defeat by blaming the debate over the Niqab – the facial...more)
Self-determination for Catalonia
The brutal crackdown from the Spanish state shows how capitalism is intertwined with national oppression
The forces of the Spanish state have begun brutal repression of Catalan citizens attempting to vote in the October 1...more)
Momentum grows for just transition
Transitioning off of the oil economy can create tens of thousands of jobs
In a stunning move the 5.7 million strong Trades Union Congress in the United Kingdom passed a resolution on climate...more)
Barcelona: Eyewitness report
Throughout Barcelona there are posters with the outlines of faces with a red streak over the mouth above the word...more)
Tories undermine Status of Women Committee with anti-choice appointee
The Tories under Sheer are continuing Harper's tradition of attacking choice, appointing bigot Rachael Harder
Any idea that new Tory leader Andrew Scheer would steer a more moderate course toward election was put to rest...more)
Ontario college faculty: organizing and bargaining hard
With a strike mandate and organizing drive, unionized and non-unionized college workers are fighting austerity
Faculty in Ontario’s 24 colleges reach two critical junctures in the coming week that will impact faculty jobs and student...more)


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