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SFU students push for fee freeze
Students take protest to SFU Board of Governors
No student a cash cow, tuition freeze now!
A few weeks ago marked a critical point in the Tuition Freeze Now (TFN) campaign at Simon Fraser University, with...more)
Kenney’s UCP abounds with bigots
Homophobia, misogyny and white supremacy in the United Conservative party
Watching Jason Kenney’s UCP campaign in the Alberta election is like watching a clown car empty out in front of...more)
"We can't wait for adults, we have to do this now"
Placard reads "You're a mean one Mr. Ford"
Thousands of students walk out to protest Ford education cuts
Tens of thousands of elementary, middle and high school students walked out of class in Ontario to protest cuts to...more)
A call to battle
The Toronto and York Region Labour Council stewards assembly meets to plan the fight againist Ford
Almost 900 stewards and trade union activists gathered in downtown Toronto for the first multi-union stewards assembly in years. The...more)
Quebec solidaire votes to fight ban on religious symbols
Delegates at Quebec solidaire National Council meeting vote overwhelmingly to fight the ban on religious symbols
Party also launches ultimatum to CAQ government on climate change
With chants of So-so-so solidarité, Quebec solidaire delegates celebrated a decisive vote in favour of opposing any and all ban...more)
"Beautiful and sort of perfect, that's where true horror lies."
Fan art by Aleksander Szczepaniak
The best horror movies are political.
Review of Us, directed by Jordan Peele Jordan Peele, director of 2017's brilliant film Get Out, skewering racism in America,...more)
Justice for Grassy Narrows
Activists target Trudeau on Grassy Narrows inaction
This afternoon, around forty activists rallied in solidarity with the people of Grassy Narrows outside the King Edward Hotel where...more)
Tory tough love
Ottawa teachers and students protest at a recent Tory fund raiser
Tory education: mean, selfish and bullying
The Ontario Tory budget features, among other things, cuts to education funding. That means teacher layoffs, even though Doug Ford...more)
Queen’s Park bully pulpit
Premier Ford on his best behaviour
Doug Ford is a bully and rarely shows up for work.
Ontario’s Premier Doug Ford is often absent from Question Period at Queen’s Park. He has missed 61% of sessions, especially...more)
"No hate, no fear, Muslims are welcome here!"
Anti-racist protesters surrounded and shut down the bigots in Toronto
Another victory in Toronto against Islamophobic hate group.
On Saturday March 23, just over a week after the horrific attacks on Muslims at prayer in New Zealand that...more)
Ford’s in Town? Let’s Shut him Down!
Over a hundred people protest Ontario Premier Ford in Ottawa
Doug Ford met by “unwelcome” party of teachers in Ottawa
On March 22, well over a hundred teachers, students, parents and other protesters gathered in front of Ottawa’s Walter Baker...more)
Ontario students walk-out against Ford's cuts
Student walk out at Ryerson University
Students hold their first coordinated protests against Ford's cuts
Thousands of students at 17 Ontario universities and colleges walked out of class on March 20 to protest Ford’s cut...more)
North Africa – from a democratic uprising to revolution
On the streets of Algiers
Mass protests can build into socialist revolution
The massive protests that have gripped Algeria in recent weeks are inspiring. They have forced president Abdelaziz Bouteflika to announce...more)
A very Canadian scandal
Former cabinet ministers Wilson-Raybould and Philpott
SNC Lavalin scandal exposes the low bar of Canadian politics
The fallout from the SNC Lavalin scandal, coursing through the Canadian body politic, runs the gamut from corporate crime to...more)
We Are Fearless – International Women's Day march in Toronto
International Women's Day  in Toronto. Photo by Judy Vashti Persad
This year's IWD projected an anti-racist, class perspective.
Millions marched around the world to mark International Women’s Day. From Pakistan, to Spain, to Latin America to India, and...more)
Students strike for the climate!
Students from Ontario and Québec converge on Parliament to fight for their future
Students in 123 countries joined the climate strike
More than a million students struck and protested across the globe on Friday calling for immediate action on climate change...more)
Statement from Love Aotearoa Hate Racism
Love Aotearoa Hate Racism
Love Aotearoa Hate Racism calls for organization against the racist right.
After a beautiful day in which thousands of young people across Aotearoa marched for a better future, a chill has...more)
Fascists shut down again in Vancouver
White supremacists forced to cancel their event
Community organizing in Vancouver shut down the “Free Speech” club and their white supremacist speakers, twice.
Some energetic grassroots organizing was all it took to force white supremacists to reschedule their speaking event, not once but...more)
Organize against fascism in Vancouver
Shut down Fascism
Join UBC students to oppose two white supremacists, virulent Islamophobes, and conspiracy theorists who are speaking in Vancouver on Friday March 15.
UPDATE: We won! The event has been cancelled. Please see Fascists shut down again in Vancouver , for details. Students...more)
The radical history of International Women’s Day
Cover of the magazine The Woman Worker
Nearly 100 years ago, one of the leaders of the Russian Revolution, Alexandra Kollontai wrote about the importance of International Women’s day for the liberation of women and the overthrow of capitalism.
For more than a century International Women's Day has intertwined women's liberation and the fight against capitalism. Writing in 1920...more)
Strike for the climate
March 15 will be an international student strike for the climate. Thousands of students have already struck around the world, and the March demonstrations are expected to be huge.
Students are in revolt. They are marching against cuts in Ontario. They are organizing to stop tuition increases in BC...more)
Ford’s Tories trying to put the freeze on kids with autism
Protest against Ford's cuts to support for autistic children
Ontario Tories plan to end funding for many families with autistic children
On a bright but cold winter morning, families, therapists and support worker from across the province assembled outside the Ontario...more)
“Capitalist dinosaurs, tremble, the world will change”
Gilets jaunes in the place de la République in Paris, Photo CC by Thomon
The Yellow Vest movement in France arose to take on tax increases; they are increasingly moving against capitalism.
The Yellow Vests (Gilets jaunes) movement in France has been raging for four months now, since November of last year...more)
Build the stewards’ assembly
A stewards’ assembly is taking place on March 25th called by the Toronto and York Region Labour Council. Over 1,000...more)
Québec students vote for unlimited general strike
AFEA general assembly, photo  by Éloi Halloran
More than 30,000 students in 6 regions of Québec have voted to strike later this month
Québec post-secondary students, who launched the largest and longest student strike in Canadian history in 2012, are now gearing up...more)


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