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Urgent action: Sudanese military launch attack against the Khartoum sit-in
Sudanese military launch attack against the Khartoum sit-in, many dead and injured
From MENA Solidarity network Sudanese military and militia forces are attacking the sit-in outside the Army Command in Khartoum, where...more)
Canada’s Genocide
National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls finds Canada committing systemic genocide
After almost 3 years of hearings, the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls has issued its...more)
A grayer shade of Green
Elizabeth May photo by Mark Kortum CC BY 2.0
Elizabeth May's environmental policies align with Scheer, and even oil industry shill Ezra “Ethical Oil” Levant
The recent surprise by-election win of Nanaimo Green Party candidate Paul Manly gave them two seats in federal parliament. In...more)
Planned economics under capitalism – The People’s republic of Walmart – Review
What do Walmart and Amazon teach us about the possibility of planned economies?
What can socialists learn from companies like Amazon and Walmart? A lot! and a socialist future might depend on it...more)
Reproductive justice and the campaign to overturn the federal abortion law
Rally outside Morgentaler Clinic January 28, 1988
With mounting attacks on access to abortion, a look at the fight that led to a historic victory in Canada
Reprinted from Abortion and the struggle for reproductive justice , a Resistance Press pamphlet (June 2014) An historic battle took...more)
Austrian neo-Nazi Strache self-destructs as resistance to far-right builds in Europe
Anti-racist protest in Germany May 19
The stakes are high in the elections to European parliament May 23-26
In the leadup to this week’s European elections, anti-fascists have been organizing across Europe to push back against the rising...more)
Not business as usual in Ontario
Nursing student against Ford
Union leaders should hear the clamoring for a real fight back.
The Ford government in Ontario won a majority in the provincial legislature with 40% of those casting a ballot voting...more)
“Gig economy same old crap, exploitation in an app!”
Foodora couriers march for justice
Support the Foodora couriers fight for better wages!
“Gig economy same old crap, exploitation in an app!” was the chant of over two hundred Foodora bicycle and car...more)
Fighting fascism with funny
Jim Carrey illustration
Jim Carrey provides political comedic relief from the darkness of the Trumps of this world
In these dark times, if you need a dose of inspiration with a laugh, sign up to Jim Carrey’s twitter...more)
Wanted: Bold climate action
Ottawa river floods as parliament looks on. Photo CC BY-SA 2.0 robin_ottawa
Job losses, declining life expectancy and a sick planet underline the need for a Green New Deal.
Canadians want a Green New Deal. In a recent poll, 61% support a plan which would reduce greenhouse gas emissions...more)
Greens profit from climate movement in by-election
Green supporters, photo by Nanaimo—Ladysmith Green Party
The climate movement is much bolder than the Green Party.
The Green party is on a roll. After forming the official opposition in PEI, three weeks ago, last week they...more)
English Canada, racism and Quebec
Demonstratio against Quebec's Bill 21 banning religious symbols
Anti-racists across the Canadian state need to shut down hate and show solidarity wherever we are.
The proposed ban on religious symbols put forward by the Coalition Avenir Quebec (CAQ) is a racist law. Make no...more)
"We got the guillotine, you better run"
The Coup perform their song The Guillotine
The real violence in Ontario is not coming from cartoon guillotines; it’s coming from Doug Ford’s austerity cuts to programs and services
Doug Ford called the cops on people who brought a prop guillotine to the Mayday general strike rally at Toronto’s...more)
International Workers Day in Hamilton
Hamilton celebrates May Day
Rage against Ford fuels May Day
There were several actions in Hamilton to celebrate International Workers Day. The first rally was part of the spontaneous social...more)
Remembering the Winnipeg General Strike
Winnipeg general strike.
Interview with Thomas McKechnie on his new play
Remembering the Winnipeg General is a political vaudeville that tells the story of the momentous, yet oft forgotten Winnipeg General...more)
Spain: the mainstream right shattered, but the far right rises
PSOE Socialist Party supporters celebrated on Sunday night (Photo: @PSOE on Twitter)
Celebrate the victory of PSOE, but build the anti-capitalist left.
Parliamentary elections in the Spanish state on Sunday saw the victory of the Labour-type PSOE Socialist Party, the entry into...more)
Vancouver Tenants Union turns two!
Members of the VTU celebrate and organize. Photo by Michael Tseng
Tenants are organzing themselves to take on landlords.
This weekend the Vancouver Tenants Union (VTU) celebrated its second anniversary. On April 27 members gathered at the Carnegie Community...more)
From the archive: The OFL must give a lead
Image of the Toronto Days of Action button from October 1995
How union leaders were pressed to lead a fight against Ford's mentor, Mike Harris
This column, published in the October 4, 1995 issue of Socialist Worker, was written in the leadup to the Ontario...more)
Plan of Green fables
PEI Green supporters. Photo Green Party of PEI Facebook
PEI Greens’ success shows voters’ concern for climate, but we need more
It was an historic election night in Prince Edward Island this week. As climate scientists have become more and more...more)
Ford can be beaten
Teachers' rally against Ford. Photo: Mary Crandall cc by nc nd 2.0
Mass strike action can stop Ford
Since their election last June, Doug Ford’s Tories have been on a mission – to roll back, slash or eliminate...more)
A blustery wind from Alberta
The real opposition to Kenney will be in the streets
On election night in Alberta, Jason Kenney began his slick victory speech declaring Alberta ‘open for business!’ Again and again...more)
This budget is murder
Banner at Sudbury Pride 2018
Ford preys on fear, we need to build on hope.
Recently a friend initiated a game, asking where and when in history people would rather have been born. Almost without...more)
Trudeau’s budget fuels racism
The Liberals will always have money for war
Liberals fund pipelines, borders, cops and war
The killing of 50 Muslim worshipers in New Zealand resulted in an immediate spike in Islamophobic incidents worldwide. 
Justice for Janitors movement wins big in Toronto
Janitors at Fight for $15 and Fairness rally
Janitors win pensions, health benefits, and surpass $15/hr
In the last week of March thousands of workers in the janitorial industry made a historic breakthrough by winning a...more)
Socialist Revolutionary Workers Party launches in South Africa
Delegates to the founding meeting of the Socialist Revolutionary Workers Party, photo  @OfficialSRWP on Facebook
A new workers’ party in South Africa is committed to revolution
The Socialist Revolutionary Workers Party (SRWP) has been formally launched in South Africa . Over 1,000 delegates from its many...more)


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