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Inquest says police murdered Jermaine Carby
The inquest acknowledged the racist killing but does not provide structural change
On the same day that Toronto Police executed search and seizures on medical marijuana dispensaries across the city in headline-grabbing...more)
Mohamed Ali: the people’s champion
Mohamed Ali inspired people to fight racism and imperialism
The mainstream tributes for Muhammed Ali are insults in the form of faint praise. Why if I didn’t know better,...more)
Migrant Workers rally in Toronto and across Canada
Rallies across the Canada challenged the exploitation of migrant workers
On May 30, Migrant Workers Alliance for Change organized a rally in downtown Toronto as part of the Status Now...more)
Unpacking our racist baggage
From General Cornwallis to the ongoing approval of pipelines without consent, Canada has plenty of colonial baggage
During a winter trip to the US, Justin Trudeau told a group of students that Canada was suited to peacekeeping...more)
Saskatoon mobilizes around People’s Climate Plan
An overflow meeting built momentum for the People's Climate Plan and challenged the climate denier Brad Wall
Climate Justice Saskatoon organized a Peoples Climate Plan Town Hall on May 25 in order to address Canada’s plan for...more)
Guaranteed income’s dangerous outcome
GAI have a history of coming from right-wing governments to perpetuate inequality
The Ontario Liberal government of Kathleen Wynne is talking about a guaranteed basic income for all residents. It sounds great;...more)
France: resistance rises
Students and workers are pushing back the austerity agenda of the "Socialist" government
The so called “Socialist” government in France is under siege, though you would never know it with the limited press...more)
Brazil's new right wing government faces opposition in the streets
The right-wing's removal of Rousseff hasn't stopped opposition to austerity
In its first days in office, Brazil’s new government led by president Michel Temer has already faced spirited opposition. Some...more)
‘Spirit of Hope’ draws war criminals to Toronto
“Henry Kissinger, you can’t hide – we charge you with genocide!”
On May 26, 2016, about 100 feisty demonstrators from Actions4Palestine welcomed some of the planet’s biggest war criminals at the...more)
Confronting the new Jim Crow
The "war on drugs" was a counter-revolution against the civil rights movement
As the Black Lives Matter movements continues to gain international prominence and challenge police brutality and systemic racism, The New...more)
The growing fight for $15 & Fairness
The fight for 15 is raising wages and working class unity
Since its relatively modest beginnings in the fall of 2012 when a handful of fast food workers in New York...more)
Anti-War activist Daniel Berrigan dead at 95
The Jesuit priest and his brother were repeatedly arrested for protesting war
One of the iconic opponents of the Vietnam War, US Jesuit priest Daniel Berrigan, passed away in New York on...more)
Quebec’s municipal workers fight back
Thousands of municipal workers protested the Liberal government's austerity measures
On May 12, thousands of unionized Quebec municipal workers greeted elected municipal officials with a protest at the opening of...more)
Trudeau: don't deport Mohamed Harkat to torture
The Liberals have signed a protocol against torture, now they need to make this commitment a reality
The Trudeau Liberal government has just made a public commitment to sign on to the UN Optional Protocol Against Torture...more)
The Philippine elections
Duterte tapped into people's anger against corruption and inequality, but he won't be able to deliver change
The Philippine elections have been making international headlines for two reasons: because Rodrigo Duterte won a clear victory, and because...more)
Solidarity with Fort McMurray
Solidarity includes a just transition for workers so we can prevent the next catastrophe
Last month Ken Smith, an oil sands worker from Fort McMurray, talked the threat of climate change and the need...more)
Climate justice transitions
Transitions in the climate and economy have led to a transition in climate justice politics
The devastating fires in Fort McMurray show the urgent need to transition to an economy that supports people and the...more)
Québec solidaire local economy tour
Quebecs anti-austerity party is fighting for local economies and a $15 minimum wage
Quebec’s anti-austerity party, Québec solidaire, has launched a series of tours of Quebec’s regions to consult with local communities outside...more)
Iraq: war diverts resources from preventing collapse of dam
Years of imperial intervention have allowed the Mosul Dam to crumble, becoming a ticking time bomb
In the early 1980s, in the midst of the Iran-Iraq war, the "Saddam Dam" (now Mosul Dam) was built to...more)
Toronto Library workers: strike threat and community support pushes concessions off the table
Building from their 2012 strike, library workers mobilized their members and supporters to resist austerity
Toronto Library workers in CUPE 4948 stared down all the concessions that Mayor John Tory was attempting to extract in...more)
Justice for Gilary Massa!
Maternity leave under attack: unite, fight back!
About 100 people joined the downtown Toronto rally and march on Mother’s Day, May 8, to support Gilary Massa. The...more)
The Leap Manifesto and oil workers
The strike by US oil workers last year shows how labour and environmental groups can build solidarity
The discussion over the Leap Manifesto which erupted after the NDP Convention seemed to reopen the debate over jobs versus...more)
Videos: climate justice panel discussion
A panel discussion on Indigenous rights and just transition
Last month, the Ideas for Real Change conference featured a panel discussion with Indigenous activist Myeengun Henry, oil sands worker...more)
Tell Trudeau: let war resisters stay
Canada should be a refuge from militarism
Despite growing public pressure, the Liberal government is still pursuing the litigation against war resisters that started under Harper, re-litigating...more)
NDP convention: to stumble or to leap?
The NDP ditched Mulcaire and voted to study the Leap Manifesto, but is this enough?
From April 8-10, a convention took place in Edmonton to decide the future of the NDP. At the end of...more)


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