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Trudeau chooses Kinder Morgan over Indigenous rights and green jobs
We need green jobs, not pipelines
Yesterday afternoon Justin Trudeau held British Columbia at the edge of their seats. It was time for the long-awaited and...more)
Quebec solidaire meeting: Islam and Islamophobia, Myths and Realities
Islam is not the enemy, war is not the answer
Around 80 people gathered at the Université du Québec en Outaouais in Hull on November 17 at a very diverse...more)
Vancouver: three different rallies against Trump
Three separate events tested politics and tactics
Working and oppressed people around the world will feel the backlash of Trump’s election; this is not an event isolated...more)
John Tory's road toll plan is not remotely progressive
John Tory announces regressive road toll plan
Toronto's mayor has a plan to preserve low taxes for the rich
Toronto Mayor John Tory has announced a plan to implement road tolls on the Gardiner Expressway and Don Valley Parkway...more)
Five-thousand against Trudeau's pipeline
No consent, no pipeline!
In what many are describing as the largest demonstration in Vancouver since 2003's anti-war protests, more than 5,000 people rallied...more)
Protests in the Philippines
Protests against the burial of ex-dictator Marcos have encouraged opposition to the new president Duterte
Since the elections in May, the Philippines has seen a growing and popular authoritarianism. Rodrigo “Digong” Duterte—who has been called...more)
Justice for Chippewas of the Thames First Nation
Join the Clyde River and Chippewas of the Thames First Nation at the Supreme Court November 30
On November 30, 2016, the Chippewas of the Thames First Nation (COTTFN) will have its hearing with the Supreme Court...more)
Auto workers: concessions and resistance
The leadership of the autoworkers have passed a shameful deal, but not without rank and file resistance
The narrow 55 per cent acceptance of the new contract by Ford Canada employees, brought to end the third round...more)
Lenin's guide to elections
Lenin's Electoral Strategy
Lenin wrote extensively on how to use elections and parliament to build a movement for revolution
Review: Lenin’s Electoral Strategy From Marx and Engels Through the Revolution of 1905 , and Lenin’s Electoral Strategy from 1907...more)
Labour and Standing Rock solidarity
The AFL-CIO officially supports the pipeline, but increasing unions and labour activists are supporting Standing Rock
Over five thousand people rallied at Queens Park recently and marched to the US consulate in solidarity with the Standing...more)
Philippines: women and workers outraged by decision on Marcos burial
Activists are challenging the Duterte regime's honouring of the former dictator Marcos
Women and worker activists held a noise barrage in Quezon City to express their outrage over the Supreme Court’s decision...more)
Remembering the workers who ended WWI
Remembrance day: brought to you by socialist revolutoin
We’re told every November 11 to remember wars with national pride. Everyone, including each and every unknowing child, is expected...more)
Sit-ins demand Trudeau reject pipeline
Sit-ins across the country are building momentum for the November 19 rally
At 10am on November 4, a dozen young people staged a sit-in at the constituency office of Liberal Minister of...more)
The revenge of forgotten America
Trump spoke to the bitter experience of austerity
And so the horror that was the 2016 election reached its conclusion. The two worst candidates in electoral history duked...more)
Ninety-nine years since the Russian Revolution
We need to celebrate the gains and examine the lessons of the revolution
It’s November, and so we celebrate the October Revolution of 1917. The difference in month is due to the different...more)
Trudeau's climate COP-out
While Trudeau is continuing Harper's climate policies, movements are demanding Indigenous rights and a just transition
“In 2015, the Liberal government got elected on promises to take climate action and they are failing on that promise...more)
Fascism & anti-fascist unity
Fascism is a threat to the entire working class in all its diversity, and requires a united working class response
“If fascism could be defeated in debate, I assure you that it would never have happened, neither in Germany, nor...more)
Victory against Muskrat Falls dam
Weeks of occupations, demonstrations and solidarity pushed the government back, for now
Resistance is on the rise in Newfoundland and Labrador, as well as in the rest of Canada. October 7 marked...more)
Fight for 15 $ in Outaouais, Quebec
The 5,10,15 coalition is demanding 5 days' notice of scheduling, 10 paid sick days and $15/hr
On October 20, more than a 100 people gathered at the Centre Tétreau in Gatineau, Quebec (Hull) to launch a...more)
Ex-cop ONDP candidate defends culture of silence
ONDP candidate Mike Thomas
ONDP by-election candidate defends the culture of silence in the police, slams victims' families.
The Ontario New Democratic Party (ONDP) has nominated former Hamilton Police Association president, Mike Thomas, to be their candidate for...more)
Interview with Crystal Sinclair: “Water is life, and we need to protect that”
Idle No More activist Crystal Sinclair discusses Standing Rock and the climate justice movement
Carolyn Egan spoke with Crystal Sinclair, an activist with Idle No More-Toronto who recently returned from a solidarity visit to...more)
BC NDP supports Mayor’s transit plan, but will it be enough?
Increased funding is a good start, but it will take a movement to massively expand public transit
The BC NDP promised to ensure full implementation of the Mayors’ Transit Plan if elected in next Spring’s provincial election...more)
Support Guyana’s sugar workers
Support the sugar workers' fight against austerity
The same ties which link companies from Canada to Guyana don’t just link those companies exploitative practices—like Canadian owned Omai...more)
Liberals close job action centres
The Liberals don't want workers helping each other
The attacks on workers continues unrelentingly. Over the 12 years the United Steelworkers have received funding from the Ontario government...more)
Socialists and the Fight for $15
Basic income, living wage and minimum wage have different strategies and outcomes
Socialists have an important role to play in building working class solidarity and trying to prevent ideological fault lines from...more)


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