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Marx21 Statement on the Murder of George Floyd and the Ongoing Rebellion
Reprinted from Marx21US Minneapolis is burning and the fire is spreading across the country. George Floyd was murdered on May...more)
Ford tries to blame unions for LTC scandal
Ontario Premier Doug Ford is under intense fire for the unnecessary deaths in Ontario’s Long Term Care facilities. He is...more)
What do Bartók, Lugosi, and Kun have in common?
To Arms! To Arms! - Poster from 1919
The arts were key in the fight for a better world in Hungary in 1919
Review of Painting the Town Red: Politics and the Arts During the 1919 Hungarian Soviet Republic by Bob Dent, Pluto...more)
Capitalism, profit and workers resistance: Long Term Care and Meat Packing
Workers are being asked to die to make profits for the corporations, but they are fighting back.
The carnage goes on as the vulnerable continue to suffer and die. As of this writing, almost 3000 health care...more)
Doug Ford (still) sucks
He may be popular now but we need to remember that his cuts made this crisis worse
We are coming up to the one-year anniversary of the Toronto Raptors victory parade, notable for having about 1 million...more)
Review: A Rebel’s Guide to Engels by Camilla Royle
New book outlines Engels thought and his impact on the world
This is the way Camilla Royle begins her Rebel’s Guide to Engels: “Friedrich Engels was born on 28 November 1820...more)
Delivery workers deserve hazard pay!
Delivery workers are on the front line but many are working in dangerous conditions without hazard pay or protective equipment
Thousands of packages are processed daily by private courier companies and postal service workers across Canada. While shipping and handling...more)
Racism, Imperialism and COVID-19
As the crisis deepens, more racism will be whipped up to challenge China's rise
US secretary of state, Mike Pompeo stated that there is, “enormous evidence” that the coronavirus that produces COVID-19 was produced...more)
Indigenous sovereignty, pandemic and the Wet'suwet'en struggle
Canada continues to build the CGL pipeline - further endangering Indigenous communities
At the beginning of March, immediately following the end of the talks between Liberal government ministers and the Wet’suwet’en Hereditary...more)
Liberals, NDP, exclude international students from emergency fund
After contributing billions in fees, international students excluded from emergency fund
The Liberal government's emergency student benefit does nothing for international students, and universities seem to be complicit in this. Trudeau’s...more)
Kenney attacks Alberta's rural health care
The Alberta United Conservative government of Jason Kenney is leading the way in using COVID-19 as an excuse to destroy...more)
Support laid off transit workers in BC
Workers get layoffs while executives get bonuses
Over 1500 workers, including 1200 transit operators, have now been laid off by Translink as the public’s use of the...more)
Workers, class consciousness and the ruling class response to COVID
Will this crisis result in a new class consciousness?
In Canada, during a time when we now have millions not working - 4.5 million already having applied for emergency...more)
Long term care: Death for profit
This time it's personal
I am a senior. I am a lung transplant recipient reliant on medication that suppresses my immune system. As a...more)
The working class shows the way
Workers are responding to the COVID-19 crisis with a new militancy
There has been widespread working class response to the pandemic that we are facing. It varies from country to country,...more)
Viral racism: Being Black is not a pre-existing condition
In 1932 the US Public Health Service began a study of syphilis. They chose a group of 600 Black men,...more)
From the front lines - Niagara sanitation worker speaks out
Kyle Hoskin is a sanitation worker in the Niagara region, and activist with CUPE 1287.
Kyle Hoskin is a sanitation worker in the Niagara region, and activist with CUPE 1287. He spoke to Socialist Worker...more)
Liberal cuts made this crisis worse
It was the liberal party that gutted healthcare and employment insurance
As the COVID-19 crisis has unfolded, Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has enjoyed a bump in the polls. Two-thirds of...more)
Ford's LTC emergency measures: fixing the bosses mess
The Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care (MoHLTC) has issued 14 day ‘emergency orders’ to employers in Long...more)
Alberta attacks public service
Jason Kenney’s UCP government is using the Covid-19 emergency to destroy public services in Alberta. While people are distracted by...more)
What to watch during a pandemic
Stuck inside? Here are some movies to help pass the time.
The sheer amount of information (and mis-information, if you are listening to the orange monster) on Covid 19 can be...more)
International Socialist tendency statement on the coronavirus
1. The Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic is generally presented as a “natural disaster”, an “external shock” to the normal functioning of...more)
Suspend summer tuition!
Graduate Students ask for summer tuition relief across Ontario, will Universities listen?
In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, universities across Canada have announced an indefinite closure of their on-site services and have...more)
Bail out workers - not big business
As the crisis of capitalism in Canada intensifies under the Covid-19 pandemic, the mass of workers under capitalism are yet...more)
As of end of trading on Friday, March 27, Alberta’s tar sands bitumen was trading for less than $5 per...more)


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