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Protest exposes war criminal Cheney, and Harper's complicity
Cheney out, resisters in
As part of its tar sands campaign, the Harper government let war criminal Dick Cheney, the former US Vice President,...more
Military Families Speak Out: an inspiring anti-war legacy
For a decade MFSO provided inspiring resistance to war
In November 2002, just months before the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, two families came together to found what was to...more
Defend our climate, defend our communities
On November 16th, thousands will mobilize against pipelines, reckless tar sands expansion and runaway climate change
On November 16, thousands will come together in their communities to build a united wall of opposition to pipelines, reckless...more
Resisting colonialism and imperialism
Harper's militarism is an extension of Canada's colonial policies
The past year has seen people radicalize against colonialism and imperialism, alongside opposition to austerity. Idle No More has led...more
Resistance and solidarity against Crown Holdings
Support the steelworkers striking back against austerity
Over 120 Steelworkers, members of USW Local 9176, have been on the picket line at Crown Holdings in Toronto since...more
Women to Drive challenges the Western-backed Saudi authorities
As part of the Arab Spring, women are challenging repressive laws in Saudi Arabia
Dozens of women courageously drove cars and defied the Saudi authorities ban on female drivers. Women to Drive Women in...more
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change leaves no doubt on climate change
The latest report by the The International Panel on Climate Change shows conclusively that climate change is real and getting worse.
The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released a damning report a few weeks ago, as a sort of climax...more
Five hundred rally to take back the port
500 rally in New Westminster, BC, to oppose coal port expansion and coal exports.
Building on months of opposition , around 500 people gathered on a warm October afternoon at the quay in New...more
Video: youth un(der)employment forum
Watch clips from the recent youth forum on fighting austerity
Youth in Ontario are hit with high unemployment and record levels of tuition and debt. On September 27, youth from...more
12 Years a Slave: Hollywood gets it half right
This movie highlights the brutality of slavery, but not the resistance that ended it
Twelve Years a Slave is being rightfully feted as a “searing portrayal,” a “visceral experience” with “monumental performances,” and other...more


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