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Organizing Whole Foods: An interview with a worker on the Fight for 15 and beyond
An interview with a Whole Foods worker in Chicago on the fight for unions and better pay and conditions’s Peter Hogarth spoke to Matthew Camp, a socialist labour activist and worker at Whole Foods, about the fight for...more
What Tim Hudak doesn’t want you to know: “right-to-work” laws invented by southern US segregationists
For Black History Month, remember the fight against "right to work"
Ontario Progressive-Conservative leader Tim Hudak has made no secret of his wish to assault organized labour if elected premier, something...more
For real “worker choice”: Yes to $14 minimum wage, no to Hudak
The fight to raise the minimum wage and rebuild unions are essential to confront austerity
With two by-election campaigns in full swing, the battle lines are drawn for workers in Ontario. Conservative party leader Tim...more
Stop Western intervention in Syria
Western-backed sectarian groups are highjacking the Syrian revolution, and we need to stop further Western intervention
The revolutionary wave that had existed in Syria is now stuck between the brutal Syrian government and the equally brutal...more
February 14: Women’s Memorial March
February 14 is the 23rd annual memorial march to remember missing and murdered women
Since it was initiated in 1991 by women in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, Coast Salish Territories, the Women’s Memorial March has...more
The roots and reality of racism
Racism is the "secret by which the capitalist class maintains its power"
The recent release of British director Steve McQueen’s movie 12 Years a Slave , based on the true account of...more
What is fracking? What are the environmental consequences?
Fracking ruins the local and the global environment
Fracking (hydraulic fracturing) is the process of extracting natural gas—also known as shale gas—by drilling into shale rock formations deep...more
Kshama Sawant Responds to Obama's State of the Union Address
The struggle of the 99% can challenge Obama and the rule of the 1%
Response to President Obama’s State of the Union Address Kshama Sawant, Socialist Alternative, Seattle City Council Tuesday January 28, 2014...more
Hudak’s million job plan: Do not believe the hype
Tim Hudak wants to destroy unions and lower wages to benefit the 1%
You could drive a truck through the logic and holes in Ontario PC premier candidate Tim Hudak’s million jobs plan...more
BC Liberals' clean LNG dreams are really a dirty nightmare
BC's planned "clean" LNG industry will be worse than the tar sands
The climate footprint of Alberta’s tar sands is one of the worst of many environmental atrocities committed by Canada’s government...more


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