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Feel the Bern!
Sanders has created an audience for socialist politics that needs to continue beyond the primaries
On Saturday, February 20, Hillary Clinton beat Bernie Sanders in the Nevada Democratic Caucus by a margin of five percentage...more)
Hundreds rally against Uber on Parliament Hill
The so-called "sharing economy" replaces good jobs with precarious work
On February 2, Ottawa taxi drivers, members of Unifor Canada, rallied on Parliament Hill against ride-sharing company Uber. They were...more)
Black Lives Matter is exposing racism at all levels of society, including in entertainment
The widely used and shared hashtag #OscarsSoWhite has served to highlight the fact that for the last two years there...more)
Push Trudeau for climate jobs now
Instead of bailing out tar sands and Bombardier planes, Trudeau should invest in good green jobs for all
Coming out of the COP21 negotiations in Paris, Prime Minister Trudeau has promised billions in investment and infrastructure, but will...more)
Claudia Jones: intersectional communist
Claudia Jones fused Black and women's liberation with working class struggle against capitalism
“I was deported from the USA because as a Black woman Communist of West Indian descent, I was a thorn...more)
Troop trainers are combat troops:
stop Trudeau’s escalating war
More Western intervention is the problem, not the solution
The decision by the Trudeau liberals to remove Canadian CF-18s from the bombing campaigns in Iraq and Syria is welcome...more)
Going Home Star: ballet recognizes Truth and Reconciliation
The dance, based on a story by Indigenous author Joseph Boyden, is about recovering from the ravages of residential schools.
One can’t help but admire the dedication, athletic beauty and technical skill of classical ballet and modern dancers. But to...more)
Endangered fish, endangered humans
Capitalism is destroying the oceans on which we depend
The world has been at peak fish for almost 20 years now. As global catch rates have been increasing, stocks...more)
Trudeau and tactics
Trudeau uses progressive rhetoric to mask Harper's ongoing policies, so we need a different approach to challenging him
In January Prime Minister Justin Trudeau took to the stage at the World Economic Forum to state that he was...more)
Capitalism and the fight against oppression
Challenging capitalism requires building solidarity against multiple forms of oppression
Capitalism is not just an economic order, it is a political order because class rule is always and everywhere about...more)
The politics of colonial inquests and inquiries
Sherene Razack’s book exposes the colonial violence that inquiries speak to but seek to hide
As we shift from a Harper government that denied Canada’s history of colonialism to a Trudeau government that has launched...more)
Biggest general strike in years defies Syriza's pension cuts in Greece
The fight against austerity, and in support of refugees, is escalating
The huge general strike rally in Athens last Thursday, was probably the biggest since 2011 and the summer of mass...more)
Save Quebec daycare
The Quebec Liberals are trying to cut thousands of daycare jobs
On February 7 in Montreal, 20,000 people took to the streets to protest the Quebec government’s plan to cut $120...more)
Trudeau: stop Harper's war on Iraq and Syria
Three months after promising "real change", the Liberals are continuing Harper's war
Despite Trudeau’s insistence that the bombing campaign would end when he was elected, we are now more than three months...more)
Unite with Quebec against pipelines
Calls for "national unity" are used to bash Quebec and support pipelines, but real unity comes through the climate justice movement
In a victory for the climate justice movement, Prime Minister Trudeau, Natural Resources Minister Jim Carr and Environment Minister Christine...more)
Quebec against austerity: what’s next after the Common Front?
Workers are challenging the deal at the ballot box and mobilizing in the streets
It has been a roller-coaster ride in the fight against austerity in Quebec over the last five months. In December...more)
Solidarity with Hamilton Steelworkers
Hamilton Steelworkers are fighting austerity
Buses from all over Ontario rolled into Hamilton, Ontario on Saturday, January 30 to support workers at US Steel. The...more)
Victory for First Nations children: what will Trudeau do?
The Liberals need to respect the Tribunal decision and ensure a range of adequate services
January 26, 2016 saw a landmark decision by the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal. It came down in favour of the...more)
Corrections officers, capitalism and resistance
Corrections officers are trying to improve the conditions that capitalism has placed on them and on inmates
In January a strike by 6,000 Corrections officers (COs) and probation/parole officers (POs) in Ontario’s criminal justice system was narrowly...more)
From Copenhagen to Paris: the climate justice movement rises
A survey of the climate justice movement from 2010 to 2015
On the final day of the Paris climate protests, Naomi Klein compared the mood to the Copenhagen conference in 2009:...more)
Kill a worker, go to jail
Six years after workers fell to their deaths from a faulty platform, the project manager has been sent to jail
On Christmas Eve in 2009, at around 4:30pm, four workers died and one was seriously injured after the collapse of...more)
Community to NEB Kinder Morgan Hearings: Permission DENIED
A people's injunction against the National Energy Board has exposed Trudeau's ongoing support for Harper's pipelines
Kicking off ten days of protests, climate activists served the National Energy Board yesterday at its Vancouver offices with a...more)
Quebec against austerity: what’s next?
La lutte continue!
The Quebec Common Front was an alliance of 400,000 public sector workers across Quebec. It was allied with teachers in...more)
Tell Trudeau: cancel Harper’s Saudi arms deal
Demand Trudeau cancel the arms deal and invest in good green jobs instead of bloody counter-revolution
Trudeau was elected by promising “real change,” including cancelling Harper’s fighter jet contracts and pulling Canada out of Harper’s war...more)
Spanish elections: gains for the left
The two neoliberal parties are crumbling as Podemos made gains
General elections in the Spanish state December 20 brought increasing political instability, with the biggest gains made by the left...more)


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