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Solidarity with York region transit workers
transit workers on strike for equal pay
In late December, York Region Transit workers met to consider the most recent offer from the company. They refused to...more)
Arab Spring, the revolutions continue
The Arab Spring enters its second year
The Arab Spring enters its second year continuing its twin demands of political freedom and economic justice. Amidst deepening economic...more)
Italy: Austerity and resistance
Crisis and resistance comes to Italy
Italian workers celebrated a bittersweet victory in 2011: while they cheered the end of the hated Berlusconi regime, they braced...more)
Tories' war on choice
The Tories scapegoat Muslims to distract from their anti-choice policies
Immigration Minister Jason Kenney has banned Muslim women from the right to choose what they wear during citizenship ceremonies, declaring...more)
Stephen Harper: Crime Minister.
Occupy 2012
The year 2011 was a historic year of revolt—from revolutions across the Arab world, general strikes from Chile to Greece,...more)
Ontario workers fight back against Austerity
We are heading into a time of labour strife in Ontario
We are heading into a time of labour strife in Ontario. The provincial Liberals have sounded a warning with the...more)
19th Century labour relations for 21st Century education in BC?
Education under attack
In a surprising move, the BC Public School Employers’ Association (BCPSEA) tabled a package that intensifies the attacks and concessions...more)
All out January 17 to defend Toronto jobs and services
January 17 is a key date to oppose Rob Ford's Austerity
After engineering a budget deficit and squandering the budget surplus he inherited, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford has declared a crisis...more)
NSCAD resists cuts
Education is a right, and Nova Scotia needs NSCAD.
A new report from former Conservative deputy Minister of Education, Howard Windsor, commissioned by the Department of Education under Darrell...more)
Escalation in Somalia Part of AFRICOM's Resource Wars in Africa
The new scramble for Africa
After suffering defeat in Iraq and getting bogged down in Afghanistan, the US is shifting its imperialist ambitions to Africa...more)
Reading the tea leaves for 2012
class warfare is about to get hotter
“For a long time it has been frowned upon to use terms like ‘class’ in everyday conversation; that’s just old...more)
Hands off Syria, Victory to the revolution
Don't let NATO hijack the revolution
NATO powers are using repression in Syria as a pretext for long-sought intervention. As in Libya, Western military intervention in...more)
Revolution from below, not bombs from above, can bring change to Syria and Iran
Real regime change comes from below
Canada and other Western powers are trying to stifle the Arab spring—escalating the threat of military intervention against Syria and...more)
NATO attacks on Pakistan reveal misery and divisions in US - war on terror"
NATO's war of terror
The NATO assault on a Pakistani border post that killed 24 soldiers and wounded 13 others does not come as...more)
Resistance and solidarity continues in Bahrain
The forgotten Arab spring
On November 23 the people of Bahrain continued resisting the regime of King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, in a...more)
Inside Quebec politics
Quebec's leading feminist writes shares her views
Of Anger and Hope Written by Françoise David Reviewed by Jesse McLaren Françoise David, one of Quebec’s leading activists and...more)
For Iraqis, the war is far from over
The war continues
US President Barack Obama has called the US withdrawal from Iraq a historic moment and declared the mission a “success”...more)
Right to Protest
statement on Serbia student movement
We believe that, at a critical moment in the deepening crisis, it is our right and duty to demonstrate solidarity...more)
Knife attack on Serbian socialist at Belgrade University is dangerous attack on right to protest
Report from the Serbian student movement
Students at Belgrade University have been undergoing escalating state repression and far right attacks as they struggle against rising fees...more)
Durban climate conference: a bitter disappointment
Durban dooms the planet
The United Nations climate talks in Durban, South Africa, have ended. Evil has been done on a scale that is...more)
Canada/US border deal a threat to rights and freedom
sacrificing freedom for trade
The “Beyond the Border Perimeter Security and Economic Competitiveness Action Plan” agreement between Canada and the United States for 2012...more)
The Egyptian revolution continues
Interview with leading member of the Egyptian Revolutionary Socialists
Hossam el-Hamalawy is a leading Egyptian journalist, photographer, and socialist activist from Cairo who maintains the widely followed blog 3arabawy...more)
Security certificate injustice for Mohamed Harkat
nine years of injustice and secret trials in Canada
Think back to December 10, 2002 — nine years ago this weekend, International Human Rights Day. Perhaps on that day...more)
2014 withdrawal from Afghanistan - not absolute"
Yet another extension of war and occupation
In perhaps the least surprising news story of 2011, the United States ambassador to Afghanistan, Ryan C. Crocker, said that...more)
Canadian colonialism lives on in Attawapiskat
The most recent blatant example of Canadian colonialism
The plight of the Attawapiskat First Nation is the most recent blatant example of Canadian colonialism. Harper sidestepped questions about...more)


Featured Event


  • February 26, 2025
    Organized by:
    Vancouver branch of the International Socialists


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