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Fight for fifteen!
Fight for a $15 minimum wage
Activists in BC are fighting for a $15 an hour minimum wage
Following in the footsteps of a successful campaigns in Seattle and San Francisco to raise the minimum wage to a...more)
It’s getting hot in here: 2014 was the warmest year on record
NASA map of average temperatures in 2014
2014 was the warmest year in 135 years of weather records.
It’s not news to anyone that the planet is heating up, but clear, quantifiable data can be hard to come...more)
All the Prime Minster’s crimes
Heading into an election year, the cataloguing of Harper's crimes is well timed
Review: Kill the Messengers: Stephen Harper’s War on Your right to know, by Mark Bourrie (2015, Harper Collins) Full disclosure...more)
Build the on-the-ground campaigns
From Stopping Hudak to saving Canada Post, we can mobilize to win
The next federal election is around the corner, most probably in the fall, but it could be earlier. The Harper...more)
Save door-to-door delivery
Save Canada Post, Stop Harper
The Community Mailbox (CMB) implementation to replace door-to-door mail delivery has been a disaster. The hasty change was done with...more)
Unity vs hypocrisy
The "unity march" was led by the butchers of the Arab Spring
It is beyond imagination—millions of people, horified by violence, marching together in Paris on January 11. The message seemed to...more)
Boko Haram, the Nigerian state and resistance
Working class resistance is key to challenging the twin terrorisms of Boko Haram and the Nigerian state
The fishing community of Baga by Lake Chad in Borno state was under siege for a week at the beginning...more)
Selling the Iraq War
Canadians weaponsn firms are pushing for more war in Iraq, while Harper claims firefights are not combat
The Canadian Government, military, and their think tank buddies have been waging a profit-driven public relations war to convince Canadians...more)
War resisters: Let Them Stay Week Jan 25-31
Take action to stop the deporation of US Iraq War resisters
Since September 2014, seven US Iraq War resisters have received negative decisions in their cases. Two veterans were given removal...more)
Cuba at a crossroads
New relations don't end the old US imperialism or Cuban state capitalism
On December 17, 2014, Havana and Washington agreed to normalize diplomatic and economic ties. President Obama called it a “new...more)
Paris attacks: terrorism, free speech and secularism
Framing the issue as terrorism vs free speech and secularism is misleading
Millions of people inside and outside France were horrified by the violent attacks in Paris, and 2 million joined a...more)
50 years since the death of Churchill
Prime Minister Churchill
On the 50th anniversary of his death, Churchill should be remembered as a racist defender of an evil empire.
This January 24 marks the 50th anniversary of the death of a great defender of Empire, Winston Churchill. Although he...more)
Harper bids farewell to kindred spirit
In eulogizing the Saudi dictator King Abdullah, Harper shows they are brothers in arms
Blood is thicker than water, and oil is thicker than either. In the oiliest sense, Prime Minister Stephen Harper and...more)
No more pipe dreams, green jobs now
With more than 1000 layoffs in the tar sands, we need green jobs now
Pipeline proponents defend the devastation of Indigenous communities and ignore catastrophic climate change because the tar sands creates jobs. But...more)
Statement of the International Socialist Tendency on the Paris shootings
We need to build unity against Islamophobia and imperialism
1. The shootings in Paris at the offices of Charlie Hebd o on 7 January, followed by the killing of...more)
Solidarity: the common factor in New York and Quebec for disabled people
A conversation with disability activist Laurence Parent on attendant services, accessibility and disability activism
Here in Canada we have a lot of struggles to secure access for disabled people. Some of us put our...more)
Austrian anti-fascists need funds to stop Freedom Party silencing them
The Austrian fascist "Freedom Party" is suing the socialist paper Linswende
Freedom Party leader Heinz-Christian Strache and his team of lawyers are trying to silence the anti-fascist movement by pressing charges...more)
Greece resists - another government falls but will Syriza break with austerity?
This election campaign lays the ground for what happens afterwards.
A police attack on a group of workers gave an indication of what Greece’s election campaign will be like. Striking...more)
From Selma the march to Selma to movie, the struggle continues
The Oscars’ refusal to celebrate Black people portraying the Black freedom struggle shows the ongoing fight for liberation
This year is the 50th anniversary of the historic civil rights march from Selma to Montgomery, where hundreds of Black...more)
Space tourism: the alienation of the elite
A $250,000 ride into empty space is the perfect metaphor for the elite's separateness from the 99.9%
Since 2009 the number of billionaires has doubled to over 1600. This tiny international ruling caste hold about half the...more)
EP Thompson and the Making of the New Left
This collection of essays summarizes Thompson's rejection of the USSR and fight for real socialism
EP Thompson became a great figure of the post-Second World War Left. Known best for his masterful history of the...more)
10 crimes of John A. Macdonald
January 11 is a day to remember Canada’s first Crime Minister, to celebrate the struggles that resisted his policies, and to keep building movements challenging his legacy.
Rather than a celebration of the “father of Confederation,” the 200th birthday of John A MacDonald on January 11 provides...more)
Don’t let Paris tragedy produce more racism and war
The tragic shootings are building uncritical support for a racist magazine, and the growth of fascist parties
The warmongers and Islamophobes are using the tragic shooting in Paris to further their policies. Three gunmen stormed the offices...more)
Year in review: 14 struggles of 2014
2014 was a year of global struggles against austerity, oppression, imperialism and climate chaos.
The year 2014 was a year of global struggles against austerity, oppression, imperialism and climate chaos. Here’s a sample, in...more)
Challenging sexual assault on campus
The proposed solutions of individual responsibility, the state and institutional reform don't address the root of women's oppression
There has been a series of horrific media stories about frosh or sports chants that glorify rape, with a high...more)


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