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Corporate Canada wages war on workers - emergency response needed
Labour movement needs a new radical strategy to combat the employer offensive
In the span of the past month Corporate Canada and their political allies the Liberals and Tory parties have waged...more)
Defy Trudeau – Defend workers’ right to strike!
Solidarity picket at Canada Post depot in Hamilton, Ontario
Solidarity pickets have sprung up across Canada and Quebec to defy Trudeau's back to work legislation
Across Canada and Quebec workers are organizing to defeat Trudeau’s back to work legislation. On Tuesday November 28 the legislation...more)
Review: Parquet Courts – Wide Awake
Parquet Courts explicitly set out to create a political record that did not come off as corny or disingenuous.
With a deft lyrical hand and high energy, Parquet Courts' 2018 release Wide Awake! captures the insecurity of our moment...more)
From the “Battle of the Hatpins” to Ford: Over one hundred years of Tory attacks on Franco-Ontarians
Resistance to Ford’s attack on Franco-Ontarians continues to build
As part of a many-pronged attack on equity and minority rights in Ontario this fall, Doug Ford’s government went after...more)
Doug Ford's cabinet shuffle
It didn't take long for Ford's government to start showing it's scandalous true colours
All is not well in the Doug Ford camp. The Ontario Premier announced a cabinet shuffle just days after the...more)
Solidarity with the Unist'ot'en, Shut down the Coastal GasLink
Join the fight against TransCanada and shut this third pipeline down.
On November 19th, the Unist'ot'en received notice from TransCanada that “field reconnaissance and pre-construction activities are scheduled to begin the...more)
Fight for $15 and Fairness takes on local grinch, Tory MPP Donna Skelly
Fight for $15 and Fairness at the Hamilton Santa Claus parade
The Fight for $15 and Fairness goes to Hamilton's Santa Claus parade
Activists from the Hamilton $15 and Fairness group leafletted the city's Santa Claus Parade this past weekend. Hundreds of candy...more)
Confronting the Bolsonaro threat
Neoliberal, racist, sexist, homophobic and anti-democratic agenda represents a massive threat to democratic and social rights in Brazil
On October 28, the far right politician Jair Bolsonaro, a former soldier with close ties to the Armed Forces and...more)
The Fight for $15 and Fairness keeps on fighting
Pack the legislature gallery on Tuesday!
Pack the Queen's Park gallery when the Conservatives vote to scrap our new labour laws on Tuesday.
Puppets of a banker pulling the strings on Premier Doug Ford and holiday carols denouncing Tory’s Bill 47, which will...more)
Review: Extreme Cities: The peril and promise of urban life in the age of climate change by Ashley Dawson
Cities throughout the world are experiencing massive growth and extreme inequality. How will they cope with climate change? How can they be hubs of organizing against environmental destruction?
Ashley Dawson’s use of the term “extreme” in the title of his book refers to “… an urban space of...more)
Stick it to Ford: Defend our communities
Activists bring protest against Premier Ford to his business Deco Labels
Chanting "Doug Ford fills me with rage/he cut our minimum wage and "cuts to healthcare( cuts to minimum wage, cuts...more)
CUPW rejects new offer from Canada Post
As the postal workers strike hits 4 weeks, we speak to a picketer in Toronto
The strike by Canadian Union of Postal Workers is beginning to bite as it enters it 4th week. The impact...more)
"No hate, no fear! Immigrants are welcome here!"
Community rallied to stop the hate group Pegida from marching
To chants of "No hate, no fear! Immigrants are welcome here!", protesters outnumbered anti-Muslim hate group Pegida last Saturday November...more)
Review: Poppy, Am I A Girl
If 1984 was a musical, this album would surely act as the score.
Poppy’s latest album, Am I a Girl?, is a celebration of all that is capitalist alienation, commodity fetishization, and environmental...more)
The Vancouver election is over, but the fight for the City We Need continues
The fight to end homlessness continues after the election
When Jean Swanson was elected to Vancouver City Council on October 20, some activists in the City We Need campaign...more)
How do we move the trade union bureaucracy?
Trade union history shows that an engaged and militant rank and file is necessary to build movements that can win.
For socialists, the working class’ strategic location within capitalism makes it the social force capable of changing the world for...more)
Solidarity with IATSE local 58 - Send a message to John Tory and Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment
Shame on John Tory and Maple Laefs Sports and Entertainment
There was a solidarity rally on Sunday November 11 for IATSE local 58 workers who have been locked out for...more)
50,000 march in Montreal for urgent climate action
More protests planned in leadup to COP 24
Thousands took to the streets across Quebec on November 10 th to demand the provincial government put forward a concrete...more)
The German Revolution of 1918-1919
Soldiers’ mutinies erupted in German naval ports, provoking civil unrest until the monarchy fell and the republic was proclaimed on November 9.
November marks the 100th anniversary of a little-known revolution in the heart of Western Europe. Like the Russian Revolution of...more)
How World War I was stopped
The First World War ended – not because the generals and the politicians wanted it to, but because workers and soldiers refused to fight.
This November 11 will mark 100 years since the end of the first world war and in Canada we will...more)
The tragedy of Two-Tier Tony
Tony Clement with gazebo as hat - by Tigana Flickr CC-BY-NC-ND-2.0
Clement is asking for understanding for his weaknesses, and that we allow him to seek help. While we would love to be charitable, here are some facts from Clement's career that might inform that charity.
After almost 20 years in “public service” Tony Clement’s career is in tatters thanks to news that he has been...more)
Kesha’s new album calls for change
Here Comes the Change is an anthem for a future worth fighting for
Kesha’s newest single, Here Comes the Change, is a powerful ballad focused squarely on equality and social justice. The song...more)
BC NDP: Green light and tax breaks for a devastating new fossil fuel project
Graphic of protest against pipelines and tankers
It’s time to de-privatize and democratize the energy sector
It is time to take the energy sector out of the hands of corporations and politicians. In the same week...more)
Mass protest against Steve Bannon in Toronto
Protesters oppose Steve Bannon in Toronto
Toronto sent a clear message opposing white supremacist Steve Bannon
About 1500 people joined an angry and determined protest against Steve Bannon in Toronto on November 2nd Bannon, the alt-right...more)
Indigenous sovereignty and socialism
From the Red River Rebellions, to the rise of Red Power, to Idle No More, new book rightly celebrates the evolution and constancy of Indigenous struggle.
Hats off to authors Valerie Lannon and Jesse McLaren for tackling the difficult task of producing a succinct overview of...more)


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