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Vision’s ghost haunts Vancouver’s 2019 budget
Budget gives whopping increase to police
On December 18 th 2018, Vancouver city council voted to approve the 2019 Capital and Operating Budget. One section of...more)
Climate economy: what could just transitions mean?
Interview with Bruno Dobrusin
The Toronto Good Jobs for All (GJFA) Coalition is busy planning a round table in early 2019 that will involve...more)
Hands off Unist'ot'en! Respect Indigenous sovereignty
Emergency solidarity actions oppose Trans-Canada injunction
TransCanada has filed an injunction for the forceful removal of the Indigenous re-occupation of Unist’ot’en territory. This is the company...more)
'Songs of Resistance 1942 – 2018' Review
Anti-Fascist anthems for the Trump age
Marc Ribot may not be a household name in the music world, though fans of rock and the New York...more)
Stop Mohamed Harkat’s deportation to torture
Sign the petition now!
The federal government is pushing to deport Mohamed Harkat to torture. The matter is urgent and imminent. Harkat, a United...more)
Solidarity action blockades South Central in Toronto
Solidarity actions continue to defend workers rights
Trade union members from CUPE, OPSEU, Steelworkers, teachers’ unions and community members blockaded South Central letter sorting plant in Toronto...more)
T'karonto Rallies to Support Unist’ot’en Camp
“Can’t drink oil. Leave it in the soil.”
In solidarity with the Unist’ot’en Camp, about 100 activists in T’karonto protested downtown on December 10 at the RBC Centre...more)
Mobilizing Wins a Victory for Renters in Vancouver!
Vancouver activists secure a victory over renovictions
On Tuesday, December 4th, something unprecedented happened: renters won a significant victory against big business landlords in Vancouver with the...more)
Sound the Alarm: Urgence climatique, courage politique
Thousands march in Montreal as COP24 meets in Poland
Around 4000 people participated in another climate march organized by the citizen-led group La Planète s’invite au Parlement on December...more)
Google and Censorship: Interview with Jack Poulson, former Google research scientist
Jack Poulson is a tech worker and former senior research scientist at Google. He joined the company in 2016, and...more)
‘Extinction Rebellion’ bridge occupation in Victoria
Inspired by the ‘Extinction Rebellion’ bridge occupations last month in London, England, over 300 people heeded a call to occupy...more)
Franco-Ontarians to Ford: Nous sommes, nous serons ! #RespectFranco
Nous sommes, nous serons: We are, we will be. If you’ve learned French in school, that’s verb conjugation. If you’ve...more)
Solidarity with postal workers builds across the country
Cross-country day of action shows willingness to fight Liberals' back-to-work legislation
On Saturday December 1 st , solidarity actions with postal workers took place across the country opposing the federal government...more)
Corporate Canada wages war on workers - emergency response needed
Labour movement needs a new radical strategy to combat the employer offensive
In the span of the past month Corporate Canada and their political allies the Liberals and Tory parties have waged...more)
Defy Trudeau – Defend workers’ right to strike!
Solidarity picket at Canada Post depot in Hamilton, Ontario
Solidarity pickets have sprung up across Canada and Quebec to defy Trudeau's back to work legislation
Across Canada and Quebec workers are organizing to defeat Trudeau’s back to work legislation. On Tuesday November 28 the legislation...more)
Review: Parquet Courts – Wide Awake
Parquet Courts explicitly set out to create a political record that did not come off as corny or disingenuous.
With a deft lyrical hand and high energy, Parquet Courts' 2018 release Wide Awake! captures the insecurity of our moment...more)
From the “Battle of the Hatpins” to Ford: Over one hundred years of Tory attacks on Franco-Ontarians
Resistance to Ford’s attack on Franco-Ontarians continues to build
As part of a many-pronged attack on equity and minority rights in Ontario this fall, Doug Ford’s government went after...more)
Doug Ford's cabinet shuffle
It didn't take long for Ford's government to start showing it's scandalous true colours
All is not well in the Doug Ford camp. The Ontario Premier announced a cabinet shuffle just days after the...more)
Solidarity with the Unist'ot'en, Shut down the Coastal GasLink
Join the fight against TransCanada and shut this third pipeline down.
On November 19th, the Unist'ot'en received notice from TransCanada that “field reconnaissance and pre-construction activities are scheduled to begin the...more)
Fight for $15 and Fairness takes on local grinch, Tory MPP Donna Skelly
Fight for $15 and Fairness at the Hamilton Santa Claus parade
The Fight for $15 and Fairness goes to Hamilton's Santa Claus parade
Activists from the Hamilton $15 and Fairness group leafletted the city's Santa Claus Parade this past weekend. Hundreds of candy...more)
Confronting the Bolsonaro threat
Neoliberal, racist, sexist, homophobic and anti-democratic agenda represents a massive threat to democratic and social rights in Brazil
On October 28, the far right politician Jair Bolsonaro, a former soldier with close ties to the Armed Forces and...more)
The Fight for $15 and Fairness keeps on fighting
Pack the legislature gallery on Tuesday!
Pack the Queen's Park gallery when the Conservatives vote to scrap our new labour laws on Tuesday.
Puppets of a banker pulling the strings on Premier Doug Ford and holiday carols denouncing Tory’s Bill 47, which will...more)
Review: Extreme Cities: The peril and promise of urban life in the age of climate change by Ashley Dawson
Cities throughout the world are experiencing massive growth and extreme inequality. How will they cope with climate change? How can they be hubs of organizing against environmental destruction?
Ashley Dawson’s use of the term “extreme” in the title of his book refers to “… an urban space of...more)
Stick it to Ford: Defend our communities
Activists bring protest against Premier Ford to his business Deco Labels
Chanting "Doug Ford fills me with rage/he cut our minimum wage and "cuts to healthcare( cuts to minimum wage, cuts...more)
CUPW rejects new offer from Canada Post
As the postal workers strike hits 4 weeks, we speak to a picketer in Toronto
The strike by Canadian Union of Postal Workers is beginning to bite as it enters it 4th week. The impact...more)


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