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BCNDP cabinet minister’s racism exposes all supporters of Zionism
Photo CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Province of British Columbia
Minister Robinson’s comments expose her as a liar and a racist and they show us the true face of Zionism
At an online presentation hosted by B’nai Brith Canada on January 30, BCNDP Minister of Post-secondary Education and Future Skills...more)
Workers Rising: PSAC strike at military bases goes into week 3
Striking workers need your support
Workers employed by Canadian Forces Moral and Welfare Services (CFMWS), unionized through PSAC-UNDE, have been on general strike at 6...more)
Langara college and BCNDP are stifling free speech on Palestine: Knight in! Burns out!
College president tries to eliminate opposition to genocide from campus
The same day that the International Court of Justice ruled that Israel is committing genocide in Palestine, the President and...more)
UNRWA cuts: Israel’s allies take revenge for ICJ ruling
Genocide Justin wants Gazans to starve
The International Court of Justice ruled overwhelmingly in favour of South Africa’s charge that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza...more)
BC government prepared to let thousands more die
Safe supply NOW!
13,317 people, and counting, have died of unregulated, toxic drugs since the province of British Columbia declared a public health...more)
How do you spell racist: RCMP!
RCMP are recorded using racist slurs against indigenous land defenders
It's no secret that the RCMP is a racist institution, instrumental in the genocidal policies towards Indigenous peoples that laid...more)
Carlson’s Edmonton fail
I guess it seemed like a good idea at the time: rent Edmonton’s (capacity approximately 25,000) hockey arena for the...more)
Pinkwashing Israeli genocide: Queers for Palestinian Liberation
We need to end imperial domination for Queer rights to flourish
In the midst of the Israeli onslaught, with tens of thousands dead in Palestine, the State of Israel took to...more)
Call it genocide
Gaza in November 2023
Don't back down. Israel is committing genocide and it's right to resist.
Across Turtle Island and in other western states the repression against solidarity with Palestine is growing. In the streets, police...more)
Service Ontario sell-out – Privatization 101
Doug Ford’s obsession with destroying Ontario’s good-paying union jobs, and rewarding his corporate friends and donors with public service privatization...more)
Benjamin Moore workers join the rise in militant struggle
Workers are fighting back. They need our solidarity now more than ever
The affordability crisis is not ending and people are hurting. Shelters are way over capacity, refugees are sleeping on the...more)
Let’s talk about the Boss
On the occasion of Henry Kissinger’s descent into hell, no one should have been surprised by the fulsome praise heaped...more)
Christmas Miracle in Wild Rose country
With all the glooming and dooming going around in the world it is great to be able to report some...more)
Housefather, horsefeathers, and Genocide cheerleading
Housefather is bringing a new McCarthyism to Canada
In October a hitherto nondescript Liberal MP took it upon himself to become parliament’s loudest, unquestioning cheerleader for Israel’s genocidal...more)
Automated Genocide: How Israel’s ‘The Gospel’ is a ‘mass assassination factory’
New AI tools allow Israel to get away with murder

On Nov 2nd, the IDF issued a statement which revealed that much of the military ‘intelligence’ that guides their operations...more)
The COP28 climate talks are a farce.
New agreement will do nothing to halt the climate crisis
2023 has been the hottest year on record. The world has seen devastating wildfires, droughts, flooding and more extreme weather...more)
Anti-semitism, Zionism and Socialism
Only workers' struggle can create a world free from anti-semitism and all forms of racism.
The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) has defined calling the state of Israel ‘racist’, as a form of anti-semitism. As...more)
November 23: 600,000 workers will be on strike against the Quebec government
The first Quebec Common Front in 1972 was the largest strike in the history of the Canadian state. The current...more)
Pensions, COVID, and culling the herd
For the world ruling class COVID was a golden opportunity to cull the herd and get their hands on some...more)
Palestine - right to resist reading list
Get the arguments abut why we must support Palestine
Find reports from demonstrations in twitter and instagram Watch the video from our forum: Palestine - It's right to resist...more)
Palestine - It's right to resist
Watch the video from our recent meeting - Palestine - It's right to resist with Ghada Sasa: Ghada Sasa is...more)
Open Letter: Thank you Sarah Jama
I write this for you, Sarah, to say I will be here to support you, and because I want to...more)
Interview: Quebec Common Front worker talks about the fight against the CAQ
Four union federations in Quebec have formed a common front to collectively bargain with the right wing CAQ government. More...more)
“Parental Rights” or Far-Right Hatred
The socialist call to protect access to public education is more important now than ever.
The Saskatchewan government’s passed Bill 137, the “Parents’ Bill of Rights” last week. The bill mandates teachers to notify parents...more)
Canada supporting Palestinian genocide
Canada is arming Israel and supporting this massacre
The Canadian state is cheerleading ethnic cleansing. The brutal assaults on the 2.2 million people in the Gaza strip are...more)


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