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Hoodies and hijabs
shaima alawadi, trayvon martin, racial profiling, bill blair, hijab, police,
There's no Canadian exceptionalism when it comes to racism and Islamophobia
Trayvon Martin was shot and killed because he was black. His killer, a gun-toting vigilante, still has not been arrested...more)
Carlton grads vote to divest from Israeli occupation
a victory for Palestine solidarity
On March 21 and 22, the general membership of Carleton’s Graduate Students’ Association voted overwhelmingly in support of Carleton divesting,...more)
Mulcair: the NDP's Tony Blair
a victory for the right-wing party bureaucracy
In the same week as 200,000 Quebec students marched against tuition and hundreds of Air Canada workers went on a...more)
Defend choice: defeat Motion 312
Anti-choice tories bring bigotry to Parliament
Despite Prime Minister Harper’s reassurances that “we are not opening the abortion debate”, his government constantly attacks the right to...more)
Vancouver rallies against Enbridge
pipelines protests grow
It’s time for Harper and his empire of oil executives to reconsider the challenge they have ahead of them in...more)
1965: rank-and-file resistance and the birth of public sector unions
Remembering the birth of public sector unions
After Air Canada workers were suspended on March 22, for slow-clapping Labour Minister, Lisa Raitt, for intervening in bargaining—and following...more)
Anniversary of Iraq War shows what - humanitarian intervention" would mean for Syria or Iran
Don't forget Iraq
It has been nine years since the American invasion of Iraq, but the Iraqi civilians still suffer from the aftermath...more)
Losing the right to strike
labour rights under attack
We are seeing more and more examples of workers losing the right to strike in this country. Recently the city...more)
Ottawa-Gatineau mobilizes for May Day
momentum builds for May Day
Over the past three weeks, a fast-growing group of approximately 50 residents and local activists in the Ottawa-Gatineau area have...more)
The people vs Putin
Russia's biggest protests in a generation
The end of 2011 and the first quarter of 2012 in Russia saw the biggest anti-government demonstrations since Soviet times...more)
1965: rank-and-file resistance and the birth of public sector unions
Remembering the birth of public sector unions
After Air Canada workers were suspended on March 22, for slow-clapping Labour Minister, Lisa Raitt, for intervening in bargaining—and following...more)
Jean Charest's plan to wreck the North
Quebec's version of the tar sands
Following the historic 200,000-strong march of students and allies in Montreal on March 22, Quebec student leader Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois called...more)
Amir Khadir supports students and workers on strike
victory to students and workers
In the middle of the historic student march, leading left-wing politician Amir Khadir supports striking students and locked out workers...more)
- Robogate" reveals weakness of Tory majority
The largest election scandal in Canadian history
Voters in more than 90 ridings across Canada have reported irregularities, suspicious activity, and harassing and misleading phone calls in...more)
Hunger strikes expose Israel's unjust policies
Hanaa Shalabi is dying for justice
Hanaa’ Shalabi from Palestine’s West Bank is dying for justice. On hunger strike in an Israeli prison since February 16,...more)
Heiltsuk Nation adds to voices against Enbridge
Indigenous resistance builds opposition to Enbridge
The Heiltsuk First Nation is known as one of the north and central BC coast Nations that are home to...more)
CSIS to share information despite risk of torture
Who are the real terrorists?
A newly released document to The Canadian Press reveals that the federal government has given CSIS the go-ahead to provide...more)
Revolution spreads in Syria
Year two of the Syrian revolution
One year after the start of the uprising in Syria, demonstrations are spreading to the capital city, Damascus, and defections...more)
Interview with Air Canada activist
Air Canada activist explains the wildcat strike
Whats the mood here at Air Canada during this wild cat strike? The mood is a combination of anger, fed-upness,...more)
Inside the Air Canada wildcat strike
Eyewitness account to the wildcat strike
Hundreds of Air Canada employees at Pearson walked off the job in protest against the suspension of three co-workers. The...more)
Rediscovering rank-and-file resistance
Wildcat strike!
As the the economic crisis deepens, workers are rediscovering different methods of resistance in order to beat back the 1%...more)
support Toronto library/city workers
Support libraries by supporting library workers
After being pushed back from a year of organizing against cuts to public services, the millionaire mayor Rob Ford is...more)
Activists occupy Lisa Raitt's office in response to attack on Air Canada workers
inside the occupation of Lisa Raitt's office
As Air Canada workers were on wildcat strike after being suspended for slow-clapping Lisa Raitt, labour activists occupied Lisa Raitt's...more)
Egyptian military cracks down on activists
The Egyptian counter-revolution
Free trade union activist and general coordinator of the Center for Trade Unions and Worker’s Services, Kamal Abbas, has been...more)
Anti-Flag's new album inspired by a year of revolt
an unrelenting musical attack on neoliberalism
Anti-Flag, The General Strike Reviewed by D’Arcy Briggs Anti-Flag’s latest album, The General Strike, is their shortest and most direct...more)


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