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student strike

How Climate Strikes can win

August 28, 2019 - Brian Champ

Ontario students walk-out against Ford's cuts

March 22, 2019 - Pam Johnson

Québec students vote for unlimited general strike

March 4, 2019 - Jonathan Turcotte-Summers (

How Quebec students brought down a government

February 12, 2019

Quebec student strike reprise at a crossroads

April 9, 2015 - Chantal Sundaram

Earth Day against Harper's terre-orism

April 23, 2013

The NDP and the fight against Harper

January 28, 2013 - Jesse McLaren

Quebec election 2012: a major victory for students and the left

October 5, 2012 - Deborah Murray

How do we spread the Quebec Spring?

May 22, 2012

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