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Social democracy

Join Jean Swanson in fighting for the city we need

June 14, 2018 - Lisa Descary

Doug Ford’s Tories: record setting sleaze

June 11, 2018 - John Bell

Victory for socialist Joel Harden in Ottawa

June 11, 2018 - Tom Leonard

Ford has no mandate for cuts

June 8, 2018 - Jesse McLaren

Ontario Liberals show their true colours

June 3, 2018 - John Bell

Ontario leaders’ debate: why the silence on $15 and Fairness?

May 30, 2018 - Jesse McLaren

Ontario election debate exposes depth of Tory bankruptcy

May 28, 2018 - John Bell

BC NDP retreats from opposing Kinder Morgan

May 24, 2018 - Bradley Hughes

Ford’s fallacies: a guide to right-wing populist rhetoric

April 15, 2018 - Mary Code and Jesse McLaren

Lula’s imprisonment and the crisis in Brazil

April 11, 2018 - Sean Purdy, PSOL, São Paulo

Justice for Marielle Franco

April 10, 2018 - Sean Purdy, PSOL, São Paulo

Liberal opportunism, NDP cynicism, and the threat of Ford

April 6, 2018 - David Bush

Doug Ford is not the answer to working class anger

April 2, 2018 - Carolyn Egan

Doug Ford the drug dealer: breathing life into the mythologies of race, class and crime

March 27, 2018 - Krisna Saravanamuttu

Video interviews: Sid Ryan at the NDP convention

February 26, 2018 - Michael Tseng

Courage to LEAP

February 14, 2018 - Carolyn Egan

Stop Trudeau's pipeline

February 7, 2018 - Lisa Descary

The rise and pathetic fall of Patrick Brown

January 28, 2018 - John Bell

Québec solidaire and the NDP

January 23, 2018 - Chantal Sundaram

Why does the NDP keep betraying Indigenous peoples?

January 22, 2018 - Valerie Lannon and Jesse McLaren


Featured Event


  • February 26, 2025
    Organized by:
    Vancouver branch of the International Socialists


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