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A rebel’s guide to revolution — a school of revolutionary ideas in practice


Steelworkers Hall and zoom
25 Cecil st
Toronto , ON
Ontario CA
A rebel’s guide to revolution — a school of revolutionary ideas in practice
Saturday, March 9
1:00 pm eastern | 10 am pacific
Steelworkers hall
25 Cecil st
The world is in a cycle of perpetual crisis. The rich and their political handlers are actively driving environmental collapse, mass inequality and endless war. Most people want to see radical change but don’t know where to start. 
Join us for an analysis of radical revolutionary traditions and their lessons for our movement today. 
Session 1
An introduction to Marx, Engels and the rise of the working class
Capitalism is founded on land theft, slavery and exploitation. But a new force—the working class—has the ability to shut the system down. What can Marx and Engels teach us about revolutionary strategy today?
Session 2
Capitalism consumes the world
The 20th century brought a world of global imperialist competition, world war, revolution and fascism. This will be a discussion of the Marxist theory of state, war and revolution. What can we learn from revolutionary movements from Russia to Baku and the leading theoreticians— Lenin, Luxembourg and Trotsky?
Session 3
Marxism and the age of global crisis
Planetary environmental crisis, pandemic and perpetual war are confronted by Indigenous anti-colonial movements, workers and resistance fighters. What are the strategies and prospects for revolution in the 21st century?
Register herein advance for this meeting if you want the zoom link


Saturday, March 9, 2024 - 13:00
Organized by: 
International Socialists

Featured Event



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