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Bill C-51: who is the real threat to our freedom?


Spartacus Books
3378 Findlay Street
Vancouver , BC
British Columbia CA

Combine the pre-existing pro-petroleum consensus in government and secret police with a new law redefining opponents as “terrorists”. Suddenly people peacefully protesting the Kinder Morgan pipeline in BC, or blockading attempts to frack for shale gas in New Brunswick face a greater danger for doing what they know is right.

French philosopher Voltaire wrote: “It is dangerous to be right in matters on which the established authorities are wrong.” If Bill C-51 passes, Canadians will discover what he meant.

Join us for a discussion on Bill C-51 and how to fight it.
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Tuesday, March 24, 2015 - 21:30
Organized by: 
Commercial Drive International Socialists

Featured Event



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