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Civil liberties

Liberals join Tories in restricting civil liberties

May 23, 2013 - Gurnishan Singh

Hunger strike challenges Guantanamo prison

May 23, 2013

First Nations Human Rights complaint exposes Tory racism

May 19, 2013 - John Bell

Workers support the Cuban 5

May 16, 2013

Western-backed Saudi Arabia threatens to crucify activist

April 11, 2013 - Yusur Al Bahrani

Don't let anger at RBC stoke anti-migrant racism

April 9, 2013 - Jesse McLaren

UAE: trial of activists

March 27, 2013 - Anton Cu Unjieng

A decade into the Iraq War, campaign for war resisters continues

March 25, 2013 - Sarah Bjorknas

Anti-immigrant infomercial brought to you by PMO

March 23, 2013 - John Bell

Solidarity with Aamjiwnaang and Ron Plain

March 5, 2013 - Jesse McLaren

Doctors and lawyers fight for refugee health care

March 5, 2013 - Cate Bester

Bill C-425 strips dual citizenship to demand "loyalty" to Harper's Canada

February 26, 2013 - Ian Beeching

Stephen Harper's moral crusade

February 25, 2013 - John Bell

Stop the Tories from criminalizing choice

February 22, 2013 - Laura Kaminker

Double-bunking: Harper's 'solution' to prison overcrowding

February 21, 2013 - John Bell

Legal victory for war resister

February 8, 2013 - Jesse McLaren

Tracking bracelet gone, now revoke 'security certificates'

February 6, 2013 - Jessica Squires

Reform Party racism and the rise of Stephen Harper

February 3, 2013 - Chantal Sundaram

Solidarity against Morsi's attack on Egyptians

January 30, 2013 - The Revolutionary Socialists (Egypt)

Kenney's 'safe' country list is dangerous for refugees

January 5, 2013 - Ian Beeching


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